Chapter 7- Earn it.

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"What is the meaning of this?" The blonde woman glared furiously at the pink haired woman in front of her, arms crossed and foot tapping the floor impatiently waiting for an answer. The blonde man narrowed his eyes at the Uchiha and did nothing but just glare at him.

"Explain this, right now." Her index finger pointed at the tied Uchiha, Sasuke twitched at her actions.

"I was about to kill him, but then that bastard Sasori interfered by trying to kill me, again. But he! He helped me." She explained and that was definitely a lie, she shield Sasuke from them. Then she continued. "Also...he wanted to join Konoha, I owe him one so might as well give him a chance."

"He's a criminal Sakura! How could you?" The older woman used a different tone, pointing out the she's pissed. Sakura was about to protest again, but was stopped when Sasuke started to speak.

"She mentioned that Sasori tried to kill her again, I guess he's bee trying many times? Is that right? Tsunade Senju, I know you cannot trust my words but hell! Someone is trying to kill her while she's on a mission, how can she concentrate on the mission when someone was trying to end her life? I suggest you to go back to Konoha, sit in your chair and order us to kill that fucking redhead."

"I don't trust you."

"Fine by me, and one more thing. What she said was true, that I want to join Konoha. Do you happen to know a man named Itachi? Who annihilated the famous Uchiha Family? I know that he's one of your target, let me earn your trust then kill Itachi for you."

"Your obviously wanted to get revenge." Tsunade spat.

"But I would help." Sasuke smirked, intently making an eye contact with the director of Konoha. There was a very long silence, not until Tsunade speak.

"It's hard to earn someone's trust, Uchiha. Do something worthy, and you'll earn it."

Sasuke's smirk widened and he closed his eyes letting out a chuckle. "Oh sure, I'll definitely earn it."

The blonde woman glared at him while gritting her teeth, then she gazr at Sakura. "I'm going to cancel your mission of eliminating him, right now kill that Sasori. We are going back to Konoha. Naruto, give her a phone and let's go!"

Naruto snapped and give Sakura a sheepish smile then handed her a new phone. Sakura thanked him then bid their goodbyes. The blonde duo finally went out, and probably will fly back immediately to Konoha.

Sakura stood still, staring at nothing. Then she turned her body and started to walk to Sasuke. She sat beside him, leaning and her chin rested to his left shoulder then she started to untie him.

The rope that binds his wrist loosened, Sakura leaned back but her head's bow down. He massaged hiw wrist and called for her, but she didn't respond. His mouth opened ready to speak her name that sounds like a music to her whenever he speaks it, but it never came because she embraced him in a hug.

"Sakura?" And there he goes again, calling her name. But her grip on him tightens, mouth pressed on a think line and eyes tightly shut.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked in a rather soothing tone, he then rubbed circles on her back and see seemed to relax.

"I was so scared and I thought she was going to kill you, kill us." She said in a shaky voice.

He let out a chuckle and rested his chin on her shoulder, eyes close. "What are you talking about? Stop being do paranoid, I won't let anyone kill me..."

And Sakura did nothing but embrace the Uchiha all afternoon, then she fell asleep. Sasuke gently lie her down on the mattress and stare at her face.

This idiot is doing something wrong with my heart. He thought and lie down beside her.


Oh my Gosh! Everyone, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE READS, COMMENTS, AND VOTES!! I really appreciate it. Thank you everyone. ^^

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