Chapter 3- Trust me.

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"Let me help you kill them Sakura. Trust me."


"Oh, there's an uninvited guest. The fierce raven." Sasori noted while glaring at the raven haired man. Sasuke glared back at him.

Fvck this! If I could only put this handcuffs off. He cursed mentally and glanced at Sakura who's aiming at gun at Sasori. Her other hand holding a smoke bomb.

"Psst. Get this off of me, or else we'll die."

"Shut up."

He was surprised by her response but then decided to do what she said and could only curse. As he look up, Sakura charged at Sasori. She dodged his shots and managed to kick the gun from him. Sasori tried to punch her head but she charged at him first by kicking his hands again. Hit him on the head. Very hard that he lost consciousness.

More men came inside the room and Sakura dropped the smoke bombs. Red smoke scattered around the room but she managed to grab Sasuke. They stopped on her window and the roof of another building.

"Let's jump." Before Sasuke could react, the pink haired woman already jumped off and rolled on the roof of the other building. He sighed and moved backwards before jumping.

His back was the first to hit the ground and he winced. He came rolling just like Sakura. When he stopped, he groaned in pain. 

"Come on, let's go." Sakura pulled him up and they bagan to run again. Jumping from roof to roof until they spotted a perfect place to hide. In a very dark alley. They panted continuously, backs leaning on the brick wall.

"Get this..." He panted. "" He glared at her, but she didn't mind and started to pick something out from her pocket.

"Shit, I forgot my bracelets." She muttered and then pulled out a phone. His eyes widened a bit then kicked the phone off her hands.

"The hell! I won't let you calm Konoha if I'm with you. Don't you remember?! Your mission is to kill me, right?!" He snapped at her. "If ever they saw me with you, they'll kill me right off the spot. I'm just thankful right now that you didn't kill me yet."

His eyes narrowed while staring into her emerald ones. Sakura panted then pushed herself up and faced him then  grabbed his handcuff.

"What are you doing?" He hissed.

"Free you. Then kill you."

He remained silent and observed while she pulled out the key from her pocket again. She inserted the key and twisted it. The cuffs unlocked and dropped on the floor. Instantly, Sasuke kicked the cuff and it hit Sakura's face. She came stumbling backwards and Sasuke quickly pinned her. Again.

"But why?" He intently stared at her eyes, but all she did was glare at him. "Why didn't you kill me yet? Right now, those people were trying to kill you. What are you gonna do? Ran away?"

Then, he leaned into her ear, smirking. The once pale skin of the pink haired woman, turned into red. "Let me help you kill them Sakura. Trust me."


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