Chapter 1- Treasures of The Past.

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~ Memories are Timeless Treasures of the Heart. ~

A New day, A New beginning. That's what they say, right? Well, not in my case! For me, It was never a new day, a new beginning. Everyday was the same. Useless and Boring! Life is such a hectic, I swear! I mean, what kind of life is this? Work Work and Just Work!! If I tell this to someone, I know they will wonder how's that even possible. I'm the girl who has it all, right? The perfect job, well settled house and above all, a gorgeous face. Yeah, I know I'm gorgeous! Okay Forget that. I'm cute. Okay Okay, I am exaggerating. But only a little.

Oh shit! I'm late. Sneha! She must be waiting for me. I stepped out of my house and drove to the boutique. She was no where around. "She's at the back of the cafe!" I heard. "Okay, Thanks.." I said and immediately went to see her. I found her sitting at the table, huddled over tall cups of coffee and looking extremely serious. Well, she looked serious most of the time, anyway. But this was out-of-the-usual serious.

"So, hi!" I said, trying to act all cheerful while I peeled off my leather jacket.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. So, I chose to do it here in this cafe because it's a neutral ground. Not My place or yours, and I thought it might be less emotionally charged here than either of our apartments."

Whoa. My heard began to thump a little harder than usual. This sounded serious. Neutral Ground? less emotionally charged? like, what?

Wait.. is it about them? Shit, No!

"So umm, I don't know where to start from but.."

"Wait! What is it about? You're scaring the hell out me Sneha!" I said, in a serious way.

"See, Calm down first."

Wait, what? Calm down? Was she really asking me to Calm down? Grr, you gotta be kidding, man!

"Nandini?" She said. "Are you even listening to me? Pay Attention!" She continued.

"Yeah..Yes. Will you please break the suspense and speak up?"

"I know you will kill me after this but still.."

Now, She was really, like really scaring me.

"Speak up God Damnit!" I demanded.

"One-of-your-Friend-reached--me-and-asked-me-to-give-your-contact-details-and-I-Did." She said. She said this whole thing in one single breath.

What? My Friend? I knew who that might be because I literally had no friends except them. They were my ONLY Friends. I mean, they still are. But still.. In these two years, None of them tried to reach me then all of a sudden..What might have happened? After all, we mutually decided to call it off, right? And since then, none of us ever met. Forget meeting, we never even talked!

"Which Friend?" I asked.

"She didn't tell me her name."

She. Okay, fine. One thing was confirmed by now, that it was not him.

"Where did you meet her?" I asked.

"She came to the boutique yesterday in order to see you but you were not there."

Oh yeah. I was out of town.

"So?" I asked.

"So.. I told her that you're out of town. She insisted me to give your contact number. At first, I hesitated but she was really begging me to give your contact information, Nandini. I just couldn't say a no. I know, I have broken my promise but seriously, I tried alot."

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