ii. go to picsart, click on your png. once you made it there click edit photo than go to draw. after you click color, there is a rainbow looking box, click it.
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iii. For this step you kind wanna get it close to the color of the neck but not using the neck color. by doing that it would look better.
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iv. adjust the brush to the size you need it, than change the sharpness of the brush all away down.
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ⅴ. add the faceless png to any color background you want, than add your title and username/name.
ⅵ. For adding the username/name, to the face i went to phonto add the name and font i wanted than when back to picarts adding the name onto the picture. when taking away the black background i click either lighten or screen.
ⅶ. add filters and the title than your done. Finish produce looks like this:
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