Chapter 2

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Kasper's POV
Lunch couldn't have came faster. I walked to the gym and saw the girl sitting on the bleachers. She stepped down as she seen me and smiled. She walked closer to me and bit her lip.
Kasper: so why you wanted me to meet you here?
Minnie: you should know..
She looked up and down and walked closer and whispered in my ear.
Minnie: I want you.
She walked away and heard to the locker room. I followed not about to pass up on the opportunity. She checked to make sure it was empty before locking the door. After Pocking it she immediately went for my pants buckle. Her lips crashed to mine and forcefully kissed her back. Her traveled up my shirt and I bit her bottom lip gently. My stomach was my hotspot... My stomach and my neck. The simplest touch on my stomach could turn me on. I hated it at times. My hands traveled down her tiny waist and grabbed her ass firmly. I felt her hands go lower and smirked to myself. She doesn't know I have a penis but she'll find out soon enough. Her hands went a little further and she froze when she touched it. She pulled back and she looked at me.
Minnie: you have a penis...?
Kasper: mhm....wanna leave?
Minnie: ...n-no it just surprised me that's all.
I pulled her back to me and kissed her. She kissed back and we continued where we left off. She took off my shirt and I took off hers and unclipped her bra. I picked her up and laid her on a mat that was in the corner. I unzipped her shorts and she helped me slide them off along with my pants. I only had on my boxers and pressed myself into her. She gasped and grabbed my neck. Eventually my boxers and her panties came off. I went yo put it in and she pushed me back.
Minnie: you do have a condom right?
Kasper: no....
She looked at me and I looked back.
Minnie: reach into my bag and grab one.
I looked her she smirked.
Minnie: before you go thinking I'm a how and I'm prepared to fuck at every moment with every nigga, stop. I have sex with girls and I have a boyfriend that I have sex with. You are the only girl I have encountered that has a penis.
Kasper: I wasn't thinking that but thanks for the information.
I reached in her bag and grabbed one. I rolled it on and begin to insert again.
Minnie: fuck....
Kasper: I know.
After that little encounter with her I went to my class. It was English 4. Crazy thing is this is my 6th period class. Yeah we never made it to 5th period. As I was sitting in English I felt a hand tap my shoulder, I turned to find a girl. She had her hair in a messy bun that showed all of her features. She was cute...maybe she could be my next.
??: may I borrow a pen please?
Kasper: yeah.
I reached in my pocket and grabbed the pen. She took it and whispered a thanks. Class went by fast and I was headed out the door ready to get home but I was stopped. I turned to find the girl that had asked me for a pen. In fact she was holding that same pen out to me.
Kasper: keep it shawty, you might need it again.
She blushed and smiled. I walked out the door and was sucker punched in my jaw. What in the actual fuck. I got up and looked at the culprit who hit me. I looked in the the eyes of the beholder. He was fuming at the mouth and I seen Minnie trying to hold him back. I believe this is her boyfriend. Here we go.
??: so you think you can come up in here and take advantage of my girlfriend.
Kasper: take advantage? If anything everything I did to her she wanted it.
??: yeah, and I'm pose to believe that.
Kasper: you don't have to...she knows the truth. I mean if she didn't want it why tell me to go faster....
He gritted his teeth and swung. His punches were slow so I dodged it. I swung and caught him in his jaw just like he had caught me. Once again Minni tried to stop him and he pushed her forcefully making her fall at my feet. I bent down to see if she was okay. I mean its not cool to put your hands on a girl like that. As I was about to help her up her slung me against the locker. Yeah that shit hurt like hell. Over his shoulder I seen the Dean walking our way.
Kasper: might want to let go before we both get in trouble.
??: what's the problem.
Too late.
He put me down and I straightened myself out. If I wanted to beat his ass I would've but I didn't need another charge on the many I already had.
Kasper: just a misunderstanding.
The dean looked at him for confirmation.
??: yah just a little misunderstanding.
??: no more misunderstandings or I will be forced to send both of you to the principles office next time.
Kasper: no problem.
He left and the boy walked passed me and shoved me forcefully. Minnie came towards me.
Minnie: I'm sorry about that.
Kasper: its cool.....sorry to say if I catch your boy on the street he gone get all that back.
Minnie: please....just drop it. I'm the one that caused that.
Just then a short girl with purple tips came up to is.
??: what happened with Daniel?
Minnie: he found out that I slept with someone else and spazzed out.
??: who did you sleep with this time?
Minnie looked at me and I smirked. I have a habit of doing that. The girl looked at me and frowned, which caused my smirk to falter.
??: you two have got to stop sleeping with other people and then getting mad about it. I mean y'all have each other, y'all have sex every other day I don't see the problem.
Minnie: I know Bre...I mean if he would stop cheating on me I would be willing to stop doing this but he doesn't understand I am hurt. So in order to not think about it I do the same.
Bre: you're basically using females to get the comfort you need and that's not good either.
Minnie: I know.
The girl looked at me and I only looked away. Why she kept looking at me I didn't know. It was creeping me out actually. I got a text from Zee telling me there was some business to talk about so I texted back and said I was on my way.
Kasper: uh I got to go ....
Minnie: okay.
I left and got Rashard to pick me up. First day at school and I'm already in drama. Just great.

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