Chapter 15

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Breaunna's POV
We were headed back home after 3 hours of talking. Kasper surprised me with what she told me. She actually said she had feelings for me too. Now me being the person that I am I have doubt's about what she said but I'm willing to let her prove her statement. We pulled in her drive way and Paris was already standing in the doorway with geeky smile on her face. Kasper walked straight in and I stopped at Paris.
Bre: so I'm guessing there's a lot we need to talk about?
Paris: starting with this whole Kasper thing.
Bre: figures.
I followed her to her room and laid down on her bed.
Paris: tell me everything that happened, no parts left out.

I ended up telling her every thing, from her dad going on that trip, me and Kasper having sex, up until now. She was just looking at me and I didn't know how to feel about it.
Bre: ummmm??
Paris: hmm, first off imma kick that bitch Khalifa's ass, as far as you and Kasper talking I don't know.
Bre: I know why but I'm willing to let her prove herself to me.
Paris: if you are willing I support you, now tell me was it good?
Bre: Paris.....
4 Months Later
Kasper and I have been talking for 4 months now. I'm not the type of person that is keen on being asked out so I just figured I was her girlfriend and she was mine. She felt the same way and that has been a good thing about us. We agree on a lot of things. Now we've had our differences especially with her being Cartel and all but other than that it has been steady. I had soccer practice today and Kasper was to wait for me until I got out. I needed to tell her something but she wasn't here. I was worried but I figured she had something to take care of and that she'd be here afterwards so I shook the worried feeling away. I just hope she's okay.
Kasper's POV
Once again the guilty feeling set in as I sat in the doctor's office waiting for Minnie and Ariel to get done. Ariel is a girl I slept with three months ago and she is currently about three months pregnant. I'm pretty sure the question is "did I cheat on Bre?" The answer to that question is yes, but I refuse to tell her. Why? Because I refuse to hurt a girl I actually caught feelings for. "If you really had feelings you would have never put yourself in this position anyway." I shook the thought from my head and continued to wait. After about 35 minutes both came out of the doctor's office. I stood up and the doctor McKenzie looked at me.
McKenzie: may I have a word with you Kasper?
Kasper: ummmm....
McKenzie: it'll only take a few minutes.
I sighed and followed him back. He closed the door and sighed.
McKenzie: so I'm going to cut to the chase. Ariel has a low chance of surviving through this pregnancy. Its inherited through the blood line. Her biological mother died after giving birth to Ariel. The only way for her to live is for her to get an abortion, which if so it should get done right away. I just wanted you to know that. As far as the baby he is healthy and well.
Kasper: well doc....I don't believe in abortions.
McKenzie: you should have a talk with see what she wants. Remember there is a very small chance that she could live and if she wants to take that chance then I'll try my best at all costs.
Kasper: thanks for the notice doctor.
McKenzie: no problem. You know they have condoms in all stores you should try them.
I gave a small laughs and left his office. I walked out and seen that Ariel and Minnie were still waiting.
Minnie: is everything okay?
Kasper: uh a ride home?
Minnie: Ariel agreed to take me home.
Kasper: okay cool, uh Ariel when you get a chance we need to talk.
Ariel: I already know what its about, I am going through with it and I'm not changing my mind.
Kasper: are you sure?
Ariel: I'm positive the next meeting is 2 moths from now.
Kasper: alright.
Minnie: 1 more month my check up is next week.
Kasper: safe.
Both: we will.
Kasper: I checked the time on my phone and I was late picking up Bre. Gosh I hope she not mad. I cranked up the car and headed to get her. As I drove I thought about everything. I got two people pregnant, one was during my relationship, and Bre doesn't even know. I pulled into the parking lot bit she wasn't there. I got out and went to the soccer field on my way there I passed one of her teammates.
Kasper: is Breaunna still out there?
??: uh yeah, I think so.
I walked to the field and she was practicing with her coach. I walked out and sat on the bench. They finished up and I felt a presence sit next to me and lay on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and sighed.
Bre: is everything okay?
Kasper: yeah....wbu?
Bre: yes....well almost.
Kasper: why almost?
Bre: because I have something to tell someone but I just don't know how they are going to take it.
Kasper: do I know this person?
Bre: yes
Kasper: well honestly you should just go ahead and tell them. Its better told than you keeping it in and letting it eat you up on the inside.
Bre: okay.....well Kasper I have some things to tell you.
Kasper: things?
Bre: more than one, yes.
Kasper: and what is that Bre?
Bre: I don't want you to think differently of me......or think I'm moving to fast or you won't feel the same or maybe you just won't want to be with me anymore.
Kasper: Bre, I'm not going to leave you and nothing you say can be mind blowing.
Bre: okay.
She stood up in front of me and I took her hands in mine. She took a deep breath and looked me in my eyes.
Bre: uh, I love you, in fact I'm in lobe with you, yes after four months I am deeply in love with you.
I just stared back at her in astonishment. No one has ever looked me dead in my face and said that. My own father never looked me in my face and said that. I went to stand up but she gently forced me to sit down.
Bre: on more thing.......I'm pregnant.
Now that one got me......another one. I wasn't mad. I couldn't be mad because I did that myself. I was okay with her being pregnant. I was okay. I wanted to tell her I loved her too but I couldn't tell her with out telling her the truth. I stood up and grabbed her to me.
Kasper: how far long...?
Bre: three months.
Damn damn damn, why me. Her and Ariel pregnant, due at the same time. This is going to kill her but I need to tell her.
Kasper: Bre I'm happy I really am but I have to tell you something.
Bre: okay....
Kasper: for one I want to tell you I love you too but not before telling you this, three months ago.....I slept with a girl name Ariel and got her pregnant..... I'm so sorry I really am.
She looked at me and could see the pain and tears in her eyes. In one instant she broke away from me and started running. I was shocked but I ran after her. Just as I hit the corner she was gone. I looked around everywhere and ran to the parking lot. No one was there and she wasn't anywhere to be found. Damn it. I guess I'm prone to ruin everything. I sat in the parking lot thinking. I think I really fucked up.

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