Chapter 47

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WARNING. R-Rated. Oops haha

So the concert ended. Apparently, it has been three days since we came to New York and we were leaving in another two days. After that, it was summer break! And I'm finally going to Nashville for a few weeks. It had been forever since I contacted Anna, and Mom, not forgetting Dad.

The thought of them made me smile from ear to ear and I could picture the scene already. It was exhilarating for me to see them again, come on! We didn't see each other for the past six months since I left and damn I wish I could teleport myself right now.

"Million dollar for your thought?" the sound of Jamie's voice bursting my bubbles. I quickly turned my head to face him and showed a grin. "Nope, you could never buy me with money sorry baby." I shivered lightly, not much, but I did shivered when I said Baby.

Jamie arched his eyebrows playfully and leaned towards me. He was so close, I could feel his breath fanning on my left cheek. He was sitting beside me by the way. "Baby huh? I'm your baby now?" He winked before grabbing me closer by my waist and my breathing hitched.

I managed to breathe but it was constantly stucked. I needed more air. I pushed him away, letting his hand off me and scooted further from him to cover my blushing cheeks. "I always called you baby even before we dated. Shut up." I snapped, still looking red as ever.

"I don't remember that tiny detail though." Jamie smirked. He raised his eyebrow and inched closer to me. "Jamie, go away.." I grumbled and pushed him off by using my palms on his chest. "Suddenly, you find me so intimidating. Weird..." He scratched his chin and smirked even wider. 

"I'm gonna hang out with Ryan, you're so annoying." I got up and walked off to Ryan who was playing with his phone by the counter. I was just sitting on the sofa with Jamie just now and everyone was practically scattered everywhere.

I couldn't find Melissa nor Katie. Had no idea where they were. Melissa was probably with Nash, making out in his bunk or something. Although I was curious whether they could both fit in it. Well, anything was possible if it's Nash in a sentence.

"Sup Ryan?" I poked him and he flinched, suprised by my sudden appearance.

He then flashed me a grin and waved his phone at me. I gave him a bored look when I saw his screen. He was playing angry birds. "Really Ry? Really?" I leaned my head on the counter and watched him constantly furrowing his eyebrows, paying absolutely 100% attention on the game.

"Yes. You never understand me and my games needs. I need to ace this level so I could move on to another one. Now, if you're trying to distract me, that's not gonna work." He said to me, in a serious tone and his eyes were still fixed on the phone. 

"Fine!" I huffed and got up to walk away. I decided to give Mum and Dad ( Follese ) a call and probably talk to Anna. It really has been forever since I talked to them. Anna had been busy with her basketball practices and we didn't have the time to bond.

 I pulled out my cellphone and sat on the couch. I dialed Anna's phone number and waited for her to answer the call. "About time you call your most favorite person in the entire world Tia!" I was greeted with Anna's enthusiastic greeting and I giggled.

"I know right, it has been forever since I called you!" I shrugged. I really missed her, and mum and dad, and the cats, and the dogs and the endless ands.

"Yes and I am so excited you're finally coming here again during summer break. We could do everything together again and watch movies and shopping and pranking my brothers and-" I cut her off before she ran out of breath. "I get it Anna banana, everything." I let out a small laugh and she chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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