Idk ur mother or something

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Helloooooooo!!!!!! So welcome to my journal thing. I have to warn you, I won't be posting that often because I broke my phone last year, and I don't have a laptop. I have a computer, but it's in the living room and I need privacy I guess. BTW holy sh*t my cat looks so cute right now he's in an egg shape and he is just kinda sitting there with his eyes closed WTF STOP BEING SO CUTE GOD DAMNIT!!!
So anyways:
I'm thinking that I should make a story that's in a guy's perspective, because all of my past stories from my old account were in a girl's perspective (Before I deleted almost all of them). So I think I should do something like maybe he's gay or bi or something, to give myself more of a challenge. I'm thinking of writing a story like this mostly because I can't find good fan fiction without a sh*t ton of smut in it, UGH. Like, I'm not really the kind of person who likes to read stuff like that, at least not ALL THE F*CKING TIME. Like, I really just want a cute little fluffy story that makes me blush and fangirl and make inhuman noises. God, I say 'like' WAY too much. Like, Jesus Christ! I JUST DID IT AGAIN!! UUUUGH!!! Well, bye I guess,or something like that! (God I suck at ending entries, I would be the worst YouTuber.) XD

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