Quick story

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So today there was this ceremony bullshit for the kids who made the honor roll, and surprisingly, I was one of them. But, I got second honors instead of first or "Academic Excellence" which my Asian friend got, because he's Asian and they're smart. (I'm not being racist I swear lol it's a stereotype). So yeah, I forgot that the ceremony was today, so I wore a Jurassic Park t-shirt, jeans, a Hogwarts varsity jacket, and the trashiest shoes of all time, with my half- assed eyeliner and barely brushed hair. I was dressed to impress, obviously. So I looked like filth while everyone else had nice clothes on, like most girls did their hair and put on nice dresses or a nice shirt and some okay pants, some of the guys wore nice shirts or whatever, and the small remainder of kids like myself looked like trash. And not to mention when I got up on the stage I had to take this shitty ass pice of paper and awkwardly shake hands with the principal, before walking off looking like I didn't give a single shit (which I didn't, the entire thing was kind of retarded). On top of that, my parents didn't show up, so I just kind of awkwardly talked to my friend's mom for like I've seconds before leaving to go back to class. (Nobody went back to class, we just kinda hung out in the halls doing whatever until we had to go to third period) But I'm kind of glad it was so stupid because when my Asian friend went up he had to line up on the stage with all the other "Academic Excellence" fuckers, and they got medals. He looked like he would rather be anywhere but there. Literally anywhere. And when the principal put the medal around my Asian friends neck, he gave him this really awkward pat on the shoulders. Poor child.

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