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So here's a fun fact: I am absolutely in love with cars like the one above^^^^ like damn, that car is sexy AF. Like seriously look at that sexy a*s piece of metal, TBH I'm kinda like sexually attracted to that car (if you couldn't already tell) but JUST A LITTLE BIT. Also sorry if I am acting weird as f*ck, I'm running on four hours of sleep and three (about to be four) cups of coffee. I'm tired as donkey balls, halp DX. Also I have a spark of inspiration for that book I was talking about a few chapters ago, you know the one that might be in a boys POV but idk be idk how dudes work. @DeGamerTurtle I'm probably gonna ask you a bunch of questions when I start writing it, but in the meantime I have inspiration for another book! Also, I'm starting to feel the consequences of drinking 3 cups of coffee but hey, I made ramen so IDGAF!! So the story I was thinking of would be in a girls POV, and maybe she could be like this colossal a-hole and then she meets this dude and she reveals this side of her that nobody but her closest friends knew, and she kinda freaks the f*ck out when she realizes that. It's gonna be kinda cliché but funny and I feel like it will really grow on me. As an aspiring writer, I want to get as attached as possible to the characters I create. Like, so attached that they become part of my life and in every day situations I think about how my characters would react to something. Anyone who wants to be a writer but is feeling discouraged: If you have an idea, write it down. Let the seed blossom into a beautiful flower, take that single flower and turn it into a garden. You will get better with every word you write, so it's okay if it isn't good at first. What matters is that you put your talents out there for the world to see. In the words of Shia Leboeuf, "Don't let your dreams be dreams." I know it is a weird thing to do, taking a quote from a viral video, but it's true. Live by that and you will succeed. (But then again, practice what you preach eh?) Sh*t, I got sidetracked. Well, it was a good kind of sidetracked I guess. Anyways, BYEEEEEE!!! <3

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