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I'm fucking bored ugh
Kinda lonely AF
I need friends lol (go home nobody likes you)
Fucking fuck man
I got back into hetalia again
I hate it
But it's everything
And I love it
But I fucking hate it
Idk it's kind of my life atm
My brother came up to me just to tell me that he farted on my other jacket
Thank god it's going into the washer soon
Fucking fuck
I need a life
So anyone want to hear a rant?
Too fucking bad :)
So I have a friend who usually pretty chill but suddenly they're being really bitchy towards me and it's kinda like what the fuck did I do??? And they're getting another friend to act like a dick towards me and it's really fucking annoying. I think that they got mad at me because I was hanging out with one of their friends and we weren't paying attention to them we were just kinda dicking around like dumbasses. Anyways, the friend (the one I'm ranting about [this isn't even much of a rant]) apparently cuts themselves so apparently everyone in my group cuts themselves or has cut themselves. Wow neat right? Anyways, they're acting like nobody is capable of understanding what they're going through and it's kind of really fucking annoying because I know they're going through a rough time but I mean you're not special?? These things have happened to thousands, even millions of people, they're not unique to you and only you??? So I'm like please stop pretending that nobody understands you because believe it or not I fucking get it but you'd need to stop being a fucking prick for five seconds so people can explain it to you like shit man. And I'm pretty sure they think I'm trying to steal one of their friends because they think everyone is and they should know I'm not gonna because I'm not that kind of person???? Like who the fuck do you think I am, Satan?? (Ignore my display name lol) But yeah, it's all just really confusing because the friend refuses to tell me what's going on like come on bitch I can't read your fucking mind. Literally everyone in our tiny group knows what the fuck is going on but me, and that doesn't help at all. One person tells me some shit, which is why I know that the friend cuts themselves, but they said "don't tell ___ I told you this but they cut themselves" like you can't just tell people personal shit like that you gossiping bitch. Like seriously they tell everyone everything without batting an eye they just don't want people to know they do it so they do it "in secret" AKA just whispering it loudly so everyone can hear but it looks like a secret so nobody says anything about it. Like fuck off they think that they're everything and that we have to pay attention to them but sorry bitch but there are other people here too. Nobody pays attention to me but do you see me freaking out about it and butting into people's conversations just so someone will look at me?? No bitch, I've met a lot of pricks but damn you are a fucking cactus. Shit.
Anyways, I'll probably do a second part of this rant later. These people are fucking annoying. But I have no other friends and they're pretty alright when they're not causing a shit ton of drama so I'll just avoid them until this whole shitstorm blows over.

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