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I'm bored af (Autocorrect changed it to AF. Calm down autocorrect, I'm not that exited.)
Fucking fuck man
I'm literally just
sitting here
thinking of all of the homework I'm not gonna do.....
I have two assignments I need to get done by Monday, both of which I have barely started
I have some math questions on the Pterodactyl Therum or some shit (it's the pythagorean theorem you dumbfuck)
I had to google what it was called...
I'm proud of my life choices
*nervously sweats*
Yeah.... Totally proud....
And this is the moment I realize that people I know in real life are probably gonna read this, and be disappointed in themselves for knowing me
I mean...
Satan bless it
You know,
People get offended by "Goddamnit"
That's what my mom says at least, she hates that I say "Jesus Christ" like at least I'm not addicted to crack right?
Tbh I'm probably gonna grow up to be an alcoholic
Yeah, I wouldn't put it past me
But I'd probably also get diabetes from my constant bingeing on sweets (people think it's weird that I say "sweets" instead of "candy"... Is that weird???)
Fucking hell dude
Like shit
Fuck shit damnit bitch cunt fucking fuck
This is what happens when I get bored...
Fuck man

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