Today at school, the students with Outstanding Citizenship got to go to John's Incredible Pizza. And all my friends got to go but one of closest friends Star_Seeker1456. So for the whole day, she was by herself and she felt like shit. I am really sorry Sam. I didnt mean to leave you alone. I understand why you're mad at me, I would me too. I feeel like crap cuz you're unhappy. I just....wanna kill myself cuz i made one my friends who is like a sister to me feel like complete shit. I just....dont wanna be here. I made a friend upset just becuz I went to do something that wasnt even all that fun. Im really sorry Sam....please forgive really sorry.....if you dont wanna be my friend or talk to me or even look at me....i a terrible friend.....and no one deserves a girl like my in their lives