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So I started school on August 22 and sorry I haven't been updating anything but my Harry Potter fanfic. I'm having writer's block on most them.

So anyways, I started school and my classes are good so far. I met a new friend im_evey so please follower her! And in most of my classes, I have none of my friends. The only class I have my best friends in is PE (which is with im_evey and my friend Nick), Band, Science, English (again with only im_evey) and Math. I FEEL KIND OF LONELY!!!! And I'm kind of shy when it comes to making new friends.

For math I'm in Internationals which means I'm a 8th grader learning 9th grade math, which means the homework is gonna be harder, which means I'm gonna be a little late (well later then usual) updating stories since I have to study.

So there's a little update on my life so far. Wow I just realized I write 'so' a lot. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO!!!!

Imma shut up now. Bye my cuties! YOU ALL GET A POTATO!!!!

 Bye my cuties! YOU ALL GET A POTATO!!!!

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