Epilogue, Part Two

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Luke and I had been married for a little over a year now, and we were expecting twins. I was almost nineteen weeks along, and we were going in to see the doctor to find out the genders.

Luke was more excited than I could ever be. He told me about how he remembered doing the project with me and how we would really be raising two real babies. He was super excited to become a dad. I thought it was so adorable. I could just see Luke holding out two daughters, two sons, or our daughter and our son. I thought it was so amazing to think about.

When we walked into the room for my ultrasound, Luke and I couldn't haven been any more excited than we were. I was smiling the whole time.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings," the doctor grinned at us. He looked down at his chart, then back at us.

"Hi," I looked at him for just a minute, then looked over at Luke to see how he was doing. While he was really excited to find out the genders, he was still pretty nervous.

"You're here for an ultrasound, correct?" He asked, and we both nodded.

"You'd also like to know the genders, correct?" He wondered, looking at his clipboard. I answered him, "yes."

He got the equipment out for an ultrasound and began to move the wand around my stomach with the gel on it.

He looked at the screen, then a Luke and me. He pressed a few buttons and kept his other hand still. He pointed to the screen.

"Baby A, Baby B," he showed us, "you're having two boys."

I smiled at Luke, and at the same time, we both said, "Nathan and Noah."



Sorry it was such a terrible ending, but I thought it was sorta cute:)

I love you all and if you enjoyed this story, you might like to read any of the other stories I have. I have a lot more stories, and all of them are Luke fanfics, Michael fanfics, Calum fanfics, or Ashton fanfics!

-Lizzie xx

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