Chapter 7

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The weeks flew by, Hermoine absorbed by her school books and the novels Theo bought. The only times she went out was when Harry and Ron begged her to join them at Hogsmeade. So it was quite a surprise when she appeared for breakfast one Saturday in October and didn't leave halfway.

They sat and spoke to each other, Ginny and Hermoine constantly telling Ron to eat slower. Soon, breakfast was over and they had the day to themselves to stay in the castle or visit Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade visits were allowed to the seventh years every weekend, and that included Harry's year.


Hermoine turned to see Nott. "I'll catch up with you guys maybe later."

She walked over to Nott. "Yes?"

" wanna hang with us? We're going down to the lake for .... something, I dunno. It's okay if you wanna go with Potter and Co. to Hogsmeade or whatever."

Hermoine looked in the direction her friends went. "Who's us?"

"It's me, Malfoy, Blaise and maybe Parkinson, but she's trying to avoid Malfoy so I doubt she'll come. Oh and Malfoy's Dru Glue. She'll be there too."

"Alright. Let's go."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Alright. C'mon."

Hermoine smiled and followed Theo down to the Black Lake. She saw something shiny pass between Blaise and Draco and groaned. "You two were betting on whether I'd come or not?"

The boys nodded. "Pretty much. We've got nothing better to do with the dumb money."

Hermoine shrugged. "You could always spend it on me and Ella."

Blaise snapped his fingers. "You know what? That's a great idea. Let's go to Hogsmeade."

"Guys," Malfoy called, "Ella's a First Year, do you really this we can get her past Filch again."

Theo nodded. "Yes, I do."

Hermoine snorted. "You're not marrying anyone, Nott."

"Ella, you remember me?"

Ella nodded. Hermoine held out her hand and Ella took it. "Okay, we're going to take you with us to Hogsmeade. I'm going to cast a charm on you, okay? All you have to do is be really quiet. Think you can do it?"

"I think I can."

Hermoine smiled. "Alright then. Boys, have you forgotten about the Disillusionment Charm. Nott?"

The boys groaned. Hermione grinned and cast the spell on Ella. Then the five walked out and Hermoine removed the charm once they were in Hogsmeade. Blaise and Theo led the girls to an expensive boutique and Draco followed reluctantly. Hermoine took Ella's hand and the two went to look for clothes in Ella's size. Ella had wandered to the ballgowns. Blaise and Theo were soon by the girls. "They'll probably host a ball or party in honour of you, Potter and Weasel. You should get a ballgown. We can also get one for Ella. Maybe we can sneak her into the ball. McGonagall never allows First Years. I wonder why."

"Blaise. Shut up."

Hermoine sent a thank you to Theo and browsed through the dresses while Ella looked through the smaller ones. Draco soon appeared with two dresses. He handed one to Hermoine and one to Ella. Then he shoved them into the change rooms and waited outside. Soon Hermoine opened her door and Ella too. Hermoine had to zip up the back of Ella's dress, her arms not long enough to do it herself. Hermoine's didn't have a zipper at the back, rather one on the side she could easily reach.

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