Chapter 9

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Malfoy was half asleep when he felt it. It had woken him up in the middle of the night, with a searing pain, but he assumes it was simply his imagination. But now, he knew he was awake. It wasn't possible. The Dark Lord was gone. There was no way he could be summoned. The Dark Marks of Death Eaters were simply tattoos that marked them as followers of Voldemort. Then why on earth was his Dark Mark tingling?

Draco lazily got out of bed and threw a pair of jeans on before heading to the common room. When he got there, Blaise and Theo were already there, arms folded, sleeves rolled up exposing their glowing Dark Marks. Draco looked down at his own. It too was glowing.

"Well?" he asked them "Any ideas on what's causing it?"

Theo shook his head. Blaise answered. "It's only us three. None of the other Death Eaters can feel it. And it's not burning like when he used to summon us, it's like a light buzz like..."

He trailed off as realization dawned on him. "It's a light buzz like when Granger would try to soothe us after we killed someone. It's got something to do with Granger's Mark."

The three Slytherins were at the door when Blaise stopped. He turned to Draco. "Might wanna put a shirt on, mate. And let Dru Glue know where you're going."

Draco groaned. "Try and find her. I'll catch up as soon as I've got Ella. And a shirt."

Blaise and Theo nodded and headed for the Gryffindor tower first. The closer they got, the more their Dark Marks tingled. As the neared the portrait, they remembered to pull their sleeves down and cover their Dark Marks.

The Fat Lady was in a dramatic mood today. "Slytherins! Slytherins trying to get into the Gryffindor tower!"

Theo and Blaise rolled their eyes. "We don't want to get in. We just need to see Granger."

"Slytherins trying to kidnap Gryffindors! Oh, dear me! Slytherins!"

"Oh, for the love of Salazar. Just get Hermoine!"

The portrait door swung open. "What about me?"

Blaise and Theo grinned. "How are you feeling, Granger?"

Hermoine frowned. "I'm alright. Sort of. Why?"

Zabini raised his eyebrows. "You sure?"

Hermoine sighed. "No, I'm actually not in a good mood at all. Can I help you with something?"

Theo was about to answer when they heard Draco. "I'm sorry I woke you, Ell... well, did you want me to leave you in the common room? ... I told you already. We're going to visit Granger ... the pretty one? Yes, yes, the pretty one ... ew, no, not Parkinson ... what? No! Maybe."

Draco and Ella rounded the corner and he shushed Ella. "Granger. On a scale of one to ten, how depressed are you?"

Hermoine was confused. "Hello to you too, boys."

"Hello, Hermoine," they chorused.

"Is anyone in your common room?" Theo peeked over Hermoine's shoulder.

"No. They've all gone done for breakfast. Last one just left a few minutes ago, I think."

Blaise nodded. "Do you mind if we come in? The Slytherin common room is full of waking up students."

Hermoine stepped to the side. "Uhh sure. Come in."

They all ignored the Fat Lady's protests and Hermoine closed the door on the portrait. Hermoine pointed to the couched in front of the fire. "Explain. Now."

They all sat down. "This morning when I woke up, my Dark Mark was tingling, amd last night, i thought it was my imagination, but it felt like it was trying to kill me." Draco began.

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