Chapter 33

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"Granger, wake up!"

Hermione rolled over. "Go away," she mumbled.

"Granny, get up!"

Hermione frowned into her pillow. "I'm not a granny."


Hermione rolled onto her back and glared at Draco. "What?" she snapped.

"Moody much. Anyway, get dressed and meet me downstairs. Don't wear anything fancy, we're just going to Hogsmeade."

Hermione let out a load groaned and literally tumbled out of the bed. She got up and Draco was gone. She groaned again and got ready. Today was Friday, and Hermione cursed herself for agreeing to go on a date.

She found the green outfit, as she called it, that Theo bought and swapped the jacket and top for a lighter green, slightly tighter and more casual t-shirt. She slipped black ballet flats on and left her hair loose.

She took the longest time to get downstairs, and when she did, Draco stood there with an apple in one hand and her wand in the other.

"I thought you could do with something to eat now and I knew you'd forget your wand."

Hermione slipped the wand in her pocket and took the apple. "Thank you. Can I ask why you've woken me up at this ridiculously early hour when our date is this evening?"

Draco laughed and held out his arm for her. "Fly or apparate?"

Hermione hung her arms around his neck. "Fly. And don't drop me."

Draco took off and gave her a soft landing outside the Three  Broomsticks. "Your flying skills have improved, but I still hate you for waking me up so early."

Draco grinned as he held the door open. "Feeling's mutual, Granger."

He led her to a table and left to get a drink. He returned with two Butterbeers. "No Firewhiskey for you beacuse you get drunk easily, no you don't but still, and you haven't had breakfast yet."

Hermione held up the half eaten apple. "This doesn't count?"


He took the seat opposite her. "And as to why I've woken you up, it's beacuse I couldn't handle Nott. Zabini was at his own house, mother divorced again, and Weaslette was asleep. Again. I had to wake someone up and have a reason to leave."

Hermione sipped her Butterbeer. "So that's why you were in such a rush. Thanks for the treat anyway."

The two were talking and didn't notice another pair of boys sit down near them, oblivious to them.

"Anyway, how are we going to hook Nott and Weaslette up?"

The boys on the next table heard and stopped talking to listen.

Hermione frowned. "How'd you figure it out?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Have you not seen the way he looks at her? He's clearly in love with her, and I think she's falling for him too, but she's not sure, you know?"

Hermione nodded. "I guess. He and I spoke, while I was brewing the potion for him, and he reminded me that she had smelt Quidditch. Just Quidditch, and he's worried that she still loves Potter."

"My, my, Granger. I'm proud of you. You've referred to Potter as Potter when in a normal conversation as if you'd been doing it your whole life."

"I hardly think that's something to be proud of, but anyway, whatever. I told him he should ask her out or something but he became a cry baby about how he'll look like a 'sappy fool'. His words not mine."

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