Chapter 26

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Hermione was woken by someone knocking on the door. She managed to get up and found that she could stand on her own. She made it to the door in the dark and opened it. She found a auburn haired girl at the door. Hermione, who was still half asleep, squinted at her. "Who are you?"

"Sierra. Sierra Lynx."

Hermione's eyes winded and she opened the door. "Come in. Sorry, we might have gotten a little drunk."

Sierra peered at Hermione in the dark. "Where's the light?"

Hermione yawned. "I don't stay here. Somewhere around - oof! Malfoy!"

Hermione had tripped, probably over Malfoy. At her shout, all three boys jumped up and helped Hermione to the couch. "Sierra's here."

Malfoy reached up and put the light on. Sierra was quite surprised when the lights flickered on and she saw the scene before her. There was Hermione, on the couch, a yawning Draco next to her and Blaise, Ginny and Theo looked like they'd been standing and had collapsed just there. Hermione tried to stand up, but Malfoy stopped her. "Sit."

Draco kicked Blaise lightly. "Wake up, Zabini."

Blaise swatted Draco away. "Buzz off, Malfoy."

"Sierra's here."

Blaise woke up quickly and stood up, offering Sierra an empty bottle. "Firewhiskey?"

Sierra smiled and pushed him away. "How much did you five drink?"

Ginny jumped up and smiled at her. "Sierra! My brother's an ass! And so is Harry!"

"Okay, if you say so."

Hermione looked up at the girl. "It will wear off soon. We only had about a bottle and half each."

Sierra sat down on one of the couches and faced Hermione. "Draco came to the school today and barged in during lunch. We thought he might have gone mad. He just started shouting at the Gryffindor table and teachers bench that you'd woken."

Draco got up and walked away, Blaise, Theo and Ginny followed. Hermione watched them along with Sierra.

"So, you're Sierra."

Sierra smiled. "Yeah. Ron used to talk about you. First it was about how the boys were brainwashing you, then about how you were plotting something. I told him he was just mad that you'd made new friends."

Hermione sighed. "I'm not bothered with him. He can do whatever he feels like. I don't care."

Sierra came and sat next to Hermione, who had begun to cry again. "He's my best friend! Him and Harry. They're supposed to be there for me!"

The boys and Ginny walked back to see Sierra trying comfort Hermione. Draco walked over. "Emotional woman."

Hermione began to cry into Draco's t-shirt. Blaise smiled at Sierra. "Firewhiskey?"

"I'll pass. I think Hermione's still drunk."

Ginny nodded. "Oh yeah, she had, like five bottles in the space of half an hour."

"Wow, what happened?"

Ginny shrugged. "Harry and Ron left with my mother."


Theo dropped on the couch next to Hermione. "Anyway! We didn't call you over to cry with us. We're going to brew Amortentia to see if we still smell the same things."

Sierra grinned. "I'm in."

Blaise hung his arm around her shoulders. "Good. Because we're dragging you down there whether you wanted to or not."

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