Chapter 2

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One week ago

It's been two week since I confirmed the marriage and my mother's been fretting around the house muttering to herself "so much work" I think she doesn't know that this is just a sham. I was so stressed I wanted to unwind myself and feel relaxed even though the shits hitting the fan . I pulled out my phone and sat on the bed while the call was going , "Hello?"
"Hey, this is me Leah, Kate are you free??" I asked her . Kate and I have been friends since kindergarten so sometimes she is my best thinking, decision making conscience .
"Yeah , hold on babe" came the answer .
"So I am kinda stressed and wanted to feel relaxed so I called you , but... You seem to be in the middle of something"
I heard rustling from the other side and smiled to myself ,Kate and me are someone who will sleep the whole day and sleep again at night.
"You been sleeping?"I inquired her.
"Yeah , man my head is hurting like a bitch,and I can't seem to find my glasses" she answered .
"Well I think I am nervous about the upcoming marriage because everybody is excited and just last night my father came up-to me and clapped me on the shoulders saying that he is proud of me ,what do I do ?" I told her , speaking out seems to lessen my nervousness .
" Even though it's not a real marriage for you it's real and their first marriage in the family for them you nitwit " her voice sounded a little annoyed .
"Hey why don't I call you back later when you have cooled down and have got rid of your hangover"I asked her.
"I am not hungover " she replied indignantly .
"You are , ok bye " I disconnected the call and went down to have dinner .
As I entered the hall I noticed two things ,one: we had a visitor, two: wow he was stunning .
"Leah come meet Mr.Harris your fiancé" At my father's voice I came back to my sense , even though I could only see his back I knew he must be handsome , come on that man is one hunk of muscles and not an ounce of fat can be seen from this angle .
I went in front of him and faced him , my oh my , he was drop dead gorgeous , his eyes were the deep Colour of the sea , they were startling , his skin was tan all over , and his lips were smirking... What?
I looked at him again and he gave me an amused look , he must have noticed me appreciating him .
His eyes ran over my body and he was giving me the same perusal that I had given him, only this made me shiver in response . When his eyes came back to me he came forward and extended his hands, his hands were big and the his palm had calluses which seemed bizarre since he can't work until he get calluses but I can't be the judge of it so I just shrugged it off .
"I am Nathan your..."
"Yeah I know"I waved him off but it only seemed to irritate him more because his jaw started twitching and he said more forcefully "I am Nathan Harris your fiancé , who will be your husband in two weeks " I nodded at him at took my seat ,as I sat on the chair he humphed an irritated breath and say beside , and then I smelled him. His scent was of lemon and mint also something masculine which was unique , he didn't smell like expensive perfume ,he smelled clean and fresh like the outdoors. As Bethanne came around the table serving the appetisers I saw him looking at me but this time I didn't acknowledge home in fear of losing my resolve and breaking down .


I saw her profile , she was a tiny little thing just around five foot but  she held herself like we were beneath her it was amusing . Then she moved to take the water jug to pour her some , to do that she has to lean to my side and her shoulders brushed mine I felt a strange current go through my arm but she seemed oblivious to it or she ignored it . I thought of a future with her , it might be boring because people like her tend to be silent and docile all the time , I like my woman to be feisty and with a lot of energy but this one here seemed too.....mousy ...yeah mousy .i stopped my train of thoughts as an image of Matilda came before my eyes ,I think she will like mousy Leah . I bent over her and whispered in her ear as her father seemed to have spaces off , it tend to be like that with people of his kind who can't seem to let go of their fault or their mistakes. "Can I speak with you alone after dinner?"as I bent over her to ask I caught a whiff of her smell , she smelled of pomegranate and peaches . She gave me a look full of disdain but nodded her head and turned back to her food . And I returned back to mine .


Why did he have to come near me to say that , he keeps me tempting me with his good looks and his smell .
As I eat the food I don't taste it because it feels like a lump of sand has been forced into my mouth , but I continue on forcing food down my throat . I think of different scenarios that he wants to talk about but come up empty .I look at my father , he is paced out so I turn to Nathan again and say "I'm sorry because after dinner I will be busy , as I have got to do a lot of work , and I am actually very tired so if it is important and can wait then you can speak about it after the marriage." He looked at me shocked then he shrugged and looked at saying "You gonna pay for this" and with after a deep breath "Looking forward to it "

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