Chapter 5

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I watched him go , I was filled with humiliation . Why did I kiss him? And from where the hell did I get the courage to do so?
The way extracted he himself from me popped into my mind and a fresh burst of chagrin came upon me .
My chest was aching and I rubbed them with my hand .
Nathan came out of the bathroom , his jaws twitching , Is he angry?
His eyes was like the sea during a storm .His lips were pursed .
I turned my body fully towards him and asked "Are you alright ? Is it because I you?"
"No sweet Leah it's not that , you were perfect , I was angry at myself for kissing you because I promised you just second before I kissed you that I wouldn't touch you until you told me but I broke "he was shaking his head looking remorseful .
As he sat on the bed I noticed for the first time that there were droplets of water on his body .
The water drops of water were flowing down his chiseled chest and through the ridges and down the sexy-v on his hips and into the pants , and I clenched my thighs getting aroused .
I was watching the water and didn't notice the hot look he was giving me .
As I looked up at him he shook his head "Leah if you keep looking at me in that way I might think back on my promise to you "
I felt my face go hot and gave him a shy look " shall we sleep?"
"What ?"
"Sleep Nate ,sleep " I snickered at him "get your mind out of the gutter buddy "
"You are looking beautiful Leah " he said giving me a fond look and kissed me on the head and switched off his lamp and went to sleep .
I was awake for a long time staring off into the space and thinking how my life has changed within a month.
I turned and looked at Nate , his face was looking so peaceful .
I touched his head tentatively , his hair was a deep brown and so soft , I smiled thinking how girls would pay millions to have hair like this . His hair is what people call as bed hair , they were sexy and hot on him . Sigh.
I switched off the light and went to sleep thinking that I haven't slept with anyone in my life and sleeping with Nate feels like its a second nature to me .


I felt someone snuggling onto me , as I breathed in a sigh I smelled peaches ,
Ah Leah ...
Leah was wrapped around me , her head on my chest and her arms around my waist ,her legs tangled with mine .
I got up slowly from the bed and went into the shower , I was in need of a cold shower .
After the shower I went into Matilda's room ,which was next to mine so I can be close to her .
As I entered her room the deep pink and grey colours in her room shined .Matilda's cot was facing the door and she was awake , her diapers changed and her face fresh from the bath she have had .
As she saw me she started gurgling and raising her hands for me to hold her.
I smiled at her talking to her all the time and as I turned to the door and took her to the kitchen for my breakfast .
Mornings and evening were the only time I had Matilda with me so I wanted to spend my time with her without wasting it .
As I entered the kitchen Emma was at the stove flipping pancakes ; Emma makes mean pancakes that they just melt I your mouth . Emma has been in the family for the last ten years but fortunately she wasn't there during the fire as she had gone to visit her daughter who was in college .
I usually eat all my meals in the kitchen  but on special occasions in the dining-room .
As I strapped Matilda in her bouncer as she likes being in it the whole day and I am not gonna complain , I wiped her mouth which was slobbering And started to eat the food that Emma had kept in front of me .
After  some time I noticed a strange prickle go up my spine and reach my neck ,as I turned I saw Leah standing and fidgeting with her blouse her cheeks tinged pink .She was looking so hot in them , I could also see her lacy bra and damn wasn't it sexy?
"Why didn't you wake me? I would have made you breakfast"She said to me accusingly .
"It's alright Leah , Emma fixed me some , come on join me "
She came to my side and kissed Matilda on her cheeks who was on the table and also placed a hesitant kiss on my forehead , I looked at her shocked but all she gave me was a shy smile and piled a stack of pancakes and drizzled some syrup on top and started to eat .


I didn't know why I kissed him , but I felt a strange draw to him when I saw him look all sexy and handsome , and also crooning to the baby , and then he gives me a smouldering look and I am a goner .
Today I woke up and thought about all the confusing emotions that have been going on in me and came to the decision that if life gives me lemons then  I am f****ing gonna make lemonade and also a lemon pie .
And then I chose my clothes carefully , I went into the closet applied some moisturiser on my body and face and chose a dark blue jeans and white frilly transparent blouse paired with lacy underwear and voila you had classy chic and don't forget the pearl earring and necklace .
As I tucked into my food I noticed Matilda looking at me with a surly face and I knew that she will cry so blew raspberries at her and she immediately started to laugh and I blew more and more at her with an increased level of noise and didn't see Nate laughing his ass off too .
His laughter was rich and very nice so I blew some more at him , he started shaking his head and came to me and kissed me on my lips , a deep kiss "God Leah you are so cute "
Cute?did he just say cute?
I didn't want him to see me as cute , I wanted him to see me as sexy and beautiful and I was again confused at my wreck of emotions so I made one final blow at Matilda and went on eating.
Then after sometime he started his voice nervous . Nervous?
"Can I speak with you alone for a minute or two after you eat ? "
"Yeah sure I'm finished already "
"Good " he nodded his head and called out for Paige to come and take Matilda for a walk and took me by the my hands and led me to his study .
His study was looking clean and pristine , it's desk and the glasses on the cabinet gleaming .
"Can you please close the door Leah ?"
"Yeah sure "I nodded my head and went to close it and I was startled when there was a click and the door locked itself   automatically .
I didn't see him coming at me but the next second he had me pinned against the door and his lips were at my right ear and he whispered "finally , and I am sorry"harshly and then his lips were on mine .

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