Chapter 4

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I looked at the baby then at him , Nathan seemed oblivious to my freaking out .
Why am I freaking out?
Nathan went on crooning to the baby , "this is Matilda ,she was the only survivor of the fire that killed both my parents and hers"
"How did they..?"
"They died on a fire that was lit up by a maid "
"A maid ?"can this get any more confusing?
"Yeah, I think dinner will be ready now ,why don't you join me after you change in the dining room?"
He has this uncanny way of changing the subject ,in which case my mind just about starts planning ways to end his life . Sigh .
"Yeah sure "
I turned back around and went into the master suite to change my clothing .
I rummaged through my clothes and settled on an ice blue chiffon dress that stopped by my knees . The neckline was  a little deep but gave me a serene look when I wore it .
After applying a coat of mascara and eyeliner I refreshed my lipstick and went down .
As I joined Nathan , the maids were serving the food and he was at the table reading a transcript ,
"Where is Matilda ?"
"She's down for a nap , she will be waking up at three o'clock again ."
As I sat beside him, Nathan gave my body a long perusal his look had me shivering as though he had caressed my skin.
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you ,you are not bad either"
He didn't look bad , he looked freaking awesome . His faded jeans hugged his legs and the T-shirt he was wearing showcased his shoulders and chest at their best ,
Nathan was freaking hot ,like an Abercrombie model .
He nodded his head and started eating , I was so nervous my hands started shaking and the glass of red wine on my hand spilt on my dress .
Nathan was oblivious to my freaking out , he continued to eat as though was starved for days .
As the meal progressed my nervousness started to increase , so I excused my self and went up to get ready for bed .
As I entered our suite , I noticed two things ,
One : my clothes were all out of my luggage ,probably in the closet ,and the luggage was under the bed , I know this because I checked for it there and it was under it.
Two: the bed was strewn with rose petals and the suite seemed to be having a candle party .
I went into the closet and noticed that my clothes were arranged according to seasons . I soon selected a negligee which was the least provocative one ,
The negligee reached mid thigh and had a cute bow so I chose it , also the fresh colour of dark pink had me imagining castles and unicorns .
I also chose a matching peignoir as I was feeling quite shy with my choice of night wear .
After having a long soak in the bath , I donned on my clothes and went to the bedroom .
What I saw in there had my heart beating and a small shiver wreck my body ,
Nathan was there , but he was cast in the glowing light of the candles and all other lights seemed to be switched off .
He was wearing a pyjama pants which hung low on his hips , making his v cut look more sexy .
His chest was all muscles and there was not an ounce of fat on them ,
He looked like a chiseled god , Michael Angelou's David was not a match for the perfection in front of me .
As Nathan turned and saw me he had a look on his face which showed me that he was perplexed .
I smiled at him , and he swallowed , even his throat working had me turned on .


My god ! Just let me die right now . Or am I in heaven ?
Because the beauty in front of me was stunning perfect .
"Nathan " her voice came out in a husky whisper .
"It's Nate , call me Nate "
"Nate , I'm .... It's just that...umm..I "
"Don't stress yourself Leah , come over here I don't bite " and added with a smirk "only if you ask me to"


I went over to him shocked over his words and stood by his side , he was looking out the window , which overlooked the vast expanse of land.
"It's quite over here ,everything is so still "I shivered and hugged myself feeling lonely and also cold around and within me .
Nate came over and hugged me saying,"I want you to be happy here Leah , I want you here willingly , not only in my house but also in my bed "
His face was so close to mine that I felt his breath which smelled of mint and him come and washed over me .
I stood there staring at him , I knew if I moved a muscle in my body I would lean over and kiss him .
And I wouldn't stop .
His hand came over mine and he took it and dragging me to stand by the bed .
"Leah , I know you are afraid of me , of this night ,but I am giving you my word that I would not touch you until you give me your permission " and added as an after thought "even though I am dying to do just that and more "
He motioned me to sit on the bed and sat beside me . And continued on ,
"And in return for that I ask you only one thing, it is that you look after Matilda when I am not there at home , I know you might me hesitant to do so but I think Matilda's sitter has been beating her for crying and I want you to keep an I on her for me that's all I am asking of you"
I nodded my head at him and held his hand tighter with shaking hands .
" I promise you that I will look after Matilda for you , that's a vow and I don't break my promises ."
He smiled at me and shook his head and added with a stuttering breath "Leah you are looking so beautiful , you are breathtaking "
I smiled at him and took a wild chance when I leaned over him and kissed him to thank him for understanding me and for being kind to me .


I didn't expect her to kiss me , but I am not complaining either.
I took control over the kiss and deepened it , I probed her lips with my tongue asking her permission to enter .
As she parted her lips I entered her and took my first taste of her , she tasted sweet and innocent . I kissed her as if this was the last time I am going to kiss her . I think we kissed for minutes or hours , I didn't know because I was so drunk on her taste .
Our tongues clashed for dominance and I didn't know that this docile kitten would be a feisty hellion when aroused .
Her moan startled me and I broke the kiss reluctantly . We were panting from just a kiss .
I kissed her on the forehead and told her to sleep ,and when she gave me a confusing look I just shook my head at her to be quite and tucked her into the bed like a twelve year old and pecked her lips with a kiss, and went into the bathroom to calm myself , because if I lingered in the room more than this I might ignite from all the fire inside me.

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