My Turn

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Dayum Da- DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! *smack*

I dunno why I put that but I wanted to... okay


Elyza P.O.V 

I have my arm on Alicia as she sleeps, her head in my lap, my fingers running up and down her side as I watch her lips twitch in her sleep. I smile and brush some hair out of her face, humming softly as I loo at her gorgeous features. I'll admit it, I'm a hard ass and a total flirt to her and yes, I love teasing her but she likes doing the same to me. Can you blame me for wanting to see her blush? It's so adorable! Yeah yeah, I'm supposed to be a badass zombie slayer but around her I just want to be how I use to be before everything went to shit. 

Alicia moves in her sleep slightly, making me run my hand down her back and humming "Shh, relax" I whisper to her, leaning down and kissing her temple before pulling  a blanket over her. I replace my lap with a pillow and move to the seat in my room, grabbing the sketch book she found and opening it to a fresh page as I pick up a pencil, smiling to myself as I slowly start drawing her with as much detail as I can. I hum softly as I do. After about an hour she starts to wake up, stretching her arms above her head and sitting up "Hey, sexy" I say with a cocky grin, setting down my sketchbook and moving to the girl, laying between her legs and resting my head on her stomach "How was your nap, kitten?" I say in a teasing voice as I watch her wake up more from the nap "It was good, minus my pillow leaving to draw" She says and chuckles as she sits up, yawning and stretching out her legs before pulling her legs from me and going towards the window "Why are we so close to land?" She asks, turning to me and I flip over onto my back, looking up at the ceiling "We need to restock on everything to make sure we don't run out of anything, especially gas" I say and prop myself up on my elbows "So, that means badass Elyza's back" I say and smirk, standing up and putting on my leather jacket before going over to Alicia "Guess what that means for you" I whisper and put a hand next to her head as we stand eye level but she shrinks down a little as she blushes "I...I don't know, does it mean fun time?" She says and I smirk more at how innocent she is "Definitely" I mumble before kissing her, biting her bottom lip and tugging slightly before letting go and winking. I head towards the door as I grab my knife and put it in its respected place, hearing her mumble a "Shit" before I laugh and walk out. 

30 minutes later we're on shore and I'm trying to calm Alicia "Hey, love, relax. I'm going to be right there, you don't have to do anything but stay close to me, alright?" I say and she nods before I hand her a spare knife of mine "Only use this when needed, straight to the brain, okay? You can't kill them any other way" I say and kiss her temple, taking my knife from it's holster and hold it tightly in my hand as I walk over to a gas station. I hear Alicia behind me and I look over at Strand and he gives me a nod before quickly walking to the doors and shaking them, me standing in front incase anyone comes out. A walker staggers over from around back and I quickly charge and hit it in the head, the walker falling silent before slumping onto the ground and I pull my knife out. "Alright. Strand, Madison, Nick, Chris, Ofelia, Daniel I need you guys to fill up the cans while Trevor, Alicia and I get food." I say and they all nod before the three of us head into the station. We quickly grab some coolers and some boxes, pulling everything off the shelves and everything we can get. After filling up about every box in the store we make trips back to the boat while someone keeps watch, moving as quick as possible. Once we get everything to the boat we grab the cans of gas and head back, killing a walker here and there. 

I set the cans in my hands down and look around "Where's Alicia?" I ask and look around before running onto shore, back the way we came from the gas station. I look around and see her, backing away from a walker "Fuck" I hiss and run over and as I run the walker falls on top of her "No!" I scream and run faster, pushing the fucker off and stabbing him in the head quickly before going over to Alicia and looking her over, feeling for any bites "Did he bite you? Are you okay? Did he scratch you?" I ask frantically and look over her body before looking in her fear stricken eyes "N-No... I-I'm fine" She stutters and I move off her, picking her up and walk back to the boat "What happened to staying next to me?" I ask and she buries her head into my shoulder "I saw some pens for you, for you to draw with" She whispers and I scoff, shaking my head but smiling slightly "You have such weird needs" I whisper and kiss her forehead "I'm not letting you die" I whisper and sigh as I reach the dock 'Not this time' I hear a voice whisper in the back of my head 'Yeah, not this time' I think back unintentionally and shake my head slightly before walking onto the boat, everyone asking her if she's okay "Guys, no offense but just let me take care of her here, okay?" I say and they all look at me, everyone nodding but Madison seems hesitant "No, she's my daughter" She says and takes a step forward and my arms hold Alicia tighter before Travis puts a hand on Madison's shoulder "Let her get this one, Madi" He says with a look from her to me and then a nod. I nod back and head to my room, setting her down on the bed. She seems like she's in shock so I kiss her forehead before pulling off her clothes, slowly and carefully taking them off not to scare her "I may seem like a badass, but I care for you Alicia. Understand that" I say and pull off her shirt, leaving her in her panties and bra. I shake images from my head 'Be mature, Elyza' I think to myself before putting some sweats on her and then pulling a shirt over her head. I sit her up and pull her forward to me, reaching around back and unhooking her bra before reaching under the sleeves of the shirt and pulling the straps off then pulling the bra off completely. "Please relax, I'll be back with water and food" I whisper and head out, going to the back room to grab two water bottles and a container of food before going back to her, seeing her clutching a pillow. 

I put the food down and walk over to her, rubbing her back and noticing she's crying "I thought I was gonna die. I thought I was going to leave you" She rasps out and I pull her to me "I wouldn't let you die. If you did I would probably go on a suicide mission" I whisper and rock her slightly, pulling the blankets over us before discarding my jeans and jacket then relaxing against her "Forget about what happened, I'm here" I whisper before turning on the stereo next to the bed and turning on some music, turning it down low but you can still hear it faintly. I rock her and hum along to any song I know, remembering that she told me my voice soothes her. I feel her wrap her arms around me and pull me to her more and into the bed more "I won't leave you" I whisper and she smiles against my shirt "I wouldn't let you" She mumbles, and for once I feel content with how things are going. 


That's all I got! Sorry if it's shorter, I'm sleep right now

Tell me what you think, please leave a comment, I want opinions!

Love you all who read this (Even though it's like four) 


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