Hello, Love.

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Hellur people! 

This time, I'm going to try an *Alicia P.O.V* and maybe an *Elyza P.O.V* for the next two chapters, wanna tell me how they go over? I wanna try first person but idk if people will like it so I needs da feedback. Okey? Okey. 


(Btw this is Elyza's outfit, and Alicia's is the ones she wears in the show hehe) 

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(Btw this is Elyza's outfit, and Alicia's is the ones she wears in the show hehe) 


I wake up and yawn, shifting around slightly before feeling a wait on my shoulder. I look over to the right and chuckle slightly, seeing a sleeping Elyza on my shoulder. I stretch slightly, noticing we well asleep sitting up on the bed talking, and feel her stir against me "Stop moving, love. You're waking me" She grumbles and I smile more "Then stay asleep, I need to get up and get us some food" I say and crawl out of her grip, her badass exterior gone when sleepy making her all the more cute. I walk out of my room and go down into the room where we keep all of our food, grabbing a water bottle and a can of fruit before heading back to my room, humming as I do. I open the door looking down at the can "I know it's not a lot but we need to ration our- whoa" I get cut off when I look up from the can, seeing Elyza in her black tank top, her jacket and shirt discarded as she is on the floor doing push ups. 

"26...27....28...29...30" Elyza mumbles to herself as she looks up "Hey...31.... princess.... 32..." She smirks as she keeps doing her workout, my eyes scanning over her arms as I watch her flex from holding up her weight. I stand there frozen in place as I watch her shoulder blades move as she goes down then when she comes back up, shaking my head I walk over to the bed and put the bottle and can down them sitting on the bed "Do you do this regularly?" I ask, averting my eyes to the ceiling to keep from staring "Yep, something I always do..46....47... in private...48... but now....49...50... fuck it, right?" Elyza lets out an airy chuckle as she moves from push ups to sit ups, twisting side to side when she sits fully up. I watch her for a moment, noticing the thin layer of sweat on her forehead and a small line between her shoulder. I clear my throat slightly as I feel a blush cover my cheeks "Hey, gorgeous, mind holdin' my feet?" She asks as I slowly slide off the bed hearing her mumble numbers  under her breath, my hands moving to her feet and I pin them to the ground. I notice how when she sits up she smirks at me, counting a little louder like she's showing off. 

I blush more and look to the side "67...68....69...70!" She says and on the last number I feel her lips touch my cheek and I smile "I bet you were dying to do that every time" I tease and stand up, helping her up and she laughs "Could you blame me for wanting to?" We laugh for a minute before I sigh, looking over at the ocean "So, I found something in the room" I hear her speak and then see her go over to a drawer, pulling out a sketch pad and her eyes light up "Can I draw you like one of my french girls?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh and bend over, clutching my stomach. I sit up after a minute and shake my head "You can draw me fully clothed, you'll have to buy me dinner first before you get to see anything" I say and smirk back at her as I make her  blush this time, making me more confident as I walk over to the table in the room and sit down in the chair "Just draw me looking out the window for a start" I say and put my elbow on the table, resting my chin in my hand as I look out at the ocean. I notice the blue of the ocean, reminding me of Elyza's eyes 'Jeez, is she always taking up my mind? She's like an addicting drug, something you just can't get over' I think to myself and smile slightly as I glance over, seeing Elyza drawing me and her brows furrowed together. I smile more and look out where the sky meets the ocean. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, my fingers on my free hand drawing circles on my knee, my mind racing over everything to keep my occupied. 

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