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"Matt! Have you seen Ben?" You whisper-yelled while trying to stay hidden around the side of a jeep.
He looked up and ran over with a grin "No but he's been looking for you. Anne, my dad and captain Weaver too. I saw you leave earlier everything alright?" He asked. You thought you'd snuck off without anyone seeing.
"Yeah, all's good but I wanted to pick up some stuff" you replied and looked around. You needed Ben but you didn't need spotted. You really didn't.
Ben had been seeming down for awhile so you wanted to cheer him up.
"I was supposed to tell if I saw you around" Matt said and rocked back and forth.
'That little trickster' you thought
You opened up your backpack and pulled out a candy bar "I haven't been here have I?" You asked while handing him it
"Well" Matt said after pocketing the sweet. You rolled your eyes and handed him a pack of gummy bears.
"Thanks (Y/n), haven't seen you all day!" He said and ran off.
"Good thing I brought a lot" you muttered zipping up the sweets filled bag and tossing it over your shoulder. Now to find Ben.
He has seemed a bit down lately and you remembered him saying something about liking how sugary fruit loops were once, so to cheer him up you snuck out at dawn and raided a candy shop a few miles away.
Since you weren't sure what he liked you took a ton of different candies, chocolates, anything that looked tasty and wasn't melted or gross.
Awhile later you found him under a tree reading. Or trying? He seemed to be starring into space instead with his book sitting open in his lap.
"Ben!" You called and ran up to him
"Oh hey (Y/n)" he said with a smile "Where've you been?" He asked and put his book down next to him.
"Doesn't matter" you said and waved off his question sitting next to him, pulling your bag next to you "more importantly I gotcha somethin" you said while rummaging through your pack
"Me? What for?" He asked, confused why you'd go and get something for him
"Cause you've seemed not so happy for awhile and as your best friend its my job to fix that" you said and dumped the backpack out between you two.
His eyes widened seeing all the goodies "where'd you get all this?" He asked incredulously
"There was an untouched candy shop in town, not so untouched anymore" you said and put your hands on your hips grinning proudly at your work "whatcha waitin for Benji? Dig in!"
"You really didn't have to do this (Y/n)," he said blushing lightly "But thank you. And you should've taken someone with you" he said and started eating a Hershey's bar.
"I've been meaning to say, I don't want to be friends anymore," you paused and looked at him. He just stopped. He starred at you like a lost puppy with a piece of chocolate part way out of his mouth.
You leaned over and bit down on the chocolate slowly making your lips brush against his "I wanna be more" you said and pecked him lips, stealing the rest of the bite of chocolate out of his mouth before sitting back up and opening a bag of candy, acting like nothing happened.
Ben stared at you, gaping with his cheeks heating up but giving a wide smile once he understood what you'd meant.

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