Ba Humbug.

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{Because mistletoe clichés totally aren't overrated....right?}

"C'mon Benji, where's your holiday cheer?!" you say in an annoyingly cheerful voice, jumping in front of Ben and turning around to walk backwards in front of him.

Ben sighs and stops walking to look at you "(Y/n) just because it's snowing doesn't mean it's Christmas or even the Christmas season. We have no clue what the date actually is and it wouldn't matter anyway, we have the Espheni to worry about."

You click your tongue making a noise of disdain "Who sucked your holiday spirit through a straw?" you say wrapping your arms around his waist and setting your head on his shoulder, something that almost always gets him flustered.

Ben stopped in his tracks, looking at you from the corner of his eye and sighed, relaxing slightly at your touch and huffing.

"Hey (Y/n)! hey Ben!" looking up to where the voice came from you smile seeing Matt run up to the two of you, excited to tell you and Ben about some thing or another
Ben's attention lingers on you for a moment longer, "(Y/n) even if there was Santa Claus he surely would've been killed by the aliens by now." he said crossing his arms

you quickly push away from Ben making him stumble forward "Benjamin middle name Mason!" you gasp, slapping your hands to cover Matt's ears "how dare you! Santa is in the north pole, fine as ever." you glare, gritting your teeth at him.

"(Y/n), I know there's no such thing as Santa, you know that right?" Matt says while pulling one of your hands away from his ear "Also doing that doesn't block out sound"

You turn to Ben and angrily punch his arm making him yelp "You did this didn't you?" you narrowed your eyes scowling at him

Ben just rolls his eyes, rubbing his now sore arm as you turn back to Matt "Don't listen to anything your Scrooge of a brother says Matty, Santa is real. He's just staying in his workshop away from ET's feral cousins" you say while giving Ben a warning glare, sticking your tongue out at him and pulling Matt away from the old grouch.


"(Y/n)!" you hear Ben shout, not sounding too happy. You look up smiling to yourself to see him quickly making his way over to you, an annoyed look gracing his features. You grin as he reaches you "Morning Benji, how'd ya sleep?"

he huffs "(Y/n) why exactly did you take all my shirts and leave only this ugly sweater?" Ben says exasperated while tugging at the edges of the colorful wool material of said garment

"Why do you think it was me?" you ask giving him your best innocent yet offended look which didn't last long before you laughed at how well his grouchy face with his sweater looked like he should be the angry teen for a family Christmas photo "Fine, fine," you chuckle crossing your arms giving him a heart melting smile "I couldn't find any ugly Christmas sweaters on my run, so I just brought you the ugliest sweater I could find. You'll get your shirts back later" you shrugged causing him to groan

"(Y/n) how long are you going to go on with this Christmas deal anyway?"

You smirk at him, holstering your gun on your hip before standing up "Hmm" you tap your chin with your forefinger, doing your 'thinking face'  "until you give me a real cheerful holiday happy smile. Or until I'm satisfied with it."

Ben groaned knowing how stubborn you can be "Can I at least have my normal clothes back before then?" he called after you as you walked away

"I'm serious (Y/n), this sweater is really itchy!" you were too stubborn for his own good.


"Ben! Benji! Bengal kitty! middle Mason! BeN!" you shout running towards said boy.

Ben turns wondering what's the matter, his hand instinctively going to the strap of his gun, only to see you happily coming towards him with something dangling from your hand.

Seeing you're not in danger he smiles when you come to a stop in front of him, panting from our run. "Ben! look what I found" you straighten up, holding the clump of green leaves right in front of his face.

Ben furrows his brows stepping back to see it "Is that?"

"Mistletoe!" you exclaim nodding your head in confirmation. You take a step closer to him "And, you know what that means" you lift the plant over his and your head and dangle it above him "Merry Christmas tradition!" you shout before wrapping your free arm around his shoulder pulling him against you, giddily pressing your lips to his in a longish kiss against his soft lips, his hands hesitantly resting on your hips

You pull back slowly watching his expression before he slowly opens his eyes "Well Benji" you smile at the dazed look on his face, rubbing your nose lightly against his " are you still in such a Ba humbug mood?"

He look at you with slightly widening eyes, as if just realizing what you did, surprised at your burst of a kiss. "I'll be in whatever mood you want if you do that again" he said still in a daze making you laugh.

"Will do Benji, will do. By the way, you look good in ugly sweaters" you wink before pulling him away towards your tent, Ben trailing behind you looking like a giddy puppy.

{On another note, do I get Ben's character any good? I fell like I really screw him up. : ( }

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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