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WARNING: not accurate >.< 

"So your really gonna do it? get your spikes out I mean." you questioned while kicking your legs against the building you and Ben were sitting on.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I'm just tired of always being a 'freak' and 'razorback'. And Lordes knows it shortens lifespan and I'd kinda like to reach twenty" Ben said and leaned back against the old sign. "Personally I don't think spikes would be what stops someone from reaching twenty now days. But hey, that's just me" you replied, shrugging.

Ben pushed your shoulder "Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine." he laughed. You gasped. "Ben Mason how dare you!" you said jokingly "I am no sunshine, I am a stormy demonic cloud of darkness!" you finished with a evil laugh.

"I never knew 'stormy demonic clouds of darkness' loved Gatorade." he said motioning his hand towards the bottle of said drink next to you. "They don't, I'm just a rebel stormy demonic cloud of darkness. I go against the stormy demonic cloud of darkness' code" You replied smugly. making him laugh.

You silently watched the people down below for awhile just enjoying each others' company. "We should probably get going, curfew's soon." Ben said after awhile. "Yeah, I guess your right. Race ya to the tent!" you yelled and jumped off the building racing full speed to the tent. "H-hey! wait up!" Ben yelped, quickly jumping off and chasing after you.


You stood outside the 'operation room' waiting to go see Ben and you were just waiting to be aloud in to see him. Lordes walked out and you ran up to her. "Everything went fine, no complications." she said and rubbed your shoulder "You can go in and see him, I should go check on some other patients" she told you with a smile then walking off.

You grinned and went inside. Ben was sitting on the hospital bed with his hands in his lap. "How'd everything go, you feel all de-alienized?" you questioned walking up to him. He gave a small laugh. You sat on the end of the bed and dropped your legs onto his lap"Yep, I feel like a fully earthling who could live to ninety!"  "I just got the imagine of geezer Ben mason shooting skitters with vome tech. Now that'll be something to look forward too" you rested you chin in your hands with your elbows on your knees while he just rolled his eyes. "Yea I'm sure our grandkids will enjoy seeing that" he replied. You raise an eyebrow "'our grandkids'? getting ahead of yourself ain't you there Mason?" He simply laughed. "I'm gonna see what kind of drugs Lordes has you on and when they'll wear off, cause your really delusional" you said getting up,

Tom was coming in as you were leaving. As you passed by you leaned over and whispered to him "Careful, he's still a bit loopy. Seeing rainbow zebra's in bikinis and all" and left. Tom gave Ben a questioning look, confusing him since he didn't know what was said without his super hearing anymore.

You were sitting up on the old building again with Ben. This time though, you had to carry him up. Ben said he was going to climb up, but after a embarrassing fail on his part you just put him over your shoulder and carried him up.

"You look good with glasses Benji. They look good on you, I didn't think they would, but they fit you well" you commented. Ben had been pointing out different constellations and telling you meanings of some for awhile, most of which you had no clue about what he was saying.

Ben's cheeks turned a light pink while he stared at the sky hoping the darkness would hide it. "Thanks (y/n). That's means something coming from you even though its a total lie. I look like a complete dork with these" he said and yawned. You rolled your eyes "Self confidence Ben. You could use some" You patted his knee and stood up. "C'mon, if you don't get some sleep you'll be left behind tomorrow, let's get to bed." Ben nodded with a thanks once you'd gotten to the tent and fell asleep as soon as he hit his sleeping bag. You laughed quietly and sat on yours to read.


On the trip to go chat with Cochise about plans, the Espheni had ambushed you. Well, they probably weren't expecting anyone and were just traveling by considering it was only 2 Mechs and maybe a dozen skitters. Hal and Maggie had taken out the Mechs with Vome guns but the skitters seemed to be everywhere at once, you had killed a few when you saw Ben thrown into a bush by one of the skitters. You pushed it away before it could attack him and stabbed it through the soft pallet.

Once you pulled your knife out it looked like all the other Ishfiny were dead. You pushed the foliage away to get Ben out of the plant. Ben was sitting on the ground clutching his ankle "Ben! You ok? what happened!" you shouted and picked him up bridal style.

"I mwsthd mh mnhkl" he mumbled "What?" "Imwisthd mh makle!" he mumbled again, looking away from you. "Ben what are you saying?" you questioned "I twisted my ankle when I fell in the stupid bush" he grumbled so you could hear. You laughed and readjusted him in your arms. "We'll get you fixed up when we get back to camp" you said and kissed his head, making him try and hide his face in your shoulder. "I feel ridiculous. Are you sure your OK carrying me? I can try to walk I'm a lot heavier (Y/n)" Ben complained. You chuckled "Ben its fine, your feather light, remember whose got supahuman strength here will ya?" You replied and nuzzled against his head.

"Thanks for saving me from the skitters and well, carrying me" Ben mumbled "Well of course Benji! now that I'm definitely the stronger one, I shall always be here to protect you! my damsel in distress~" you coo, holding him close and nuzzling against him. He buried his face in his hands trying to hide his blush. Actually, trying to disappear from Hal who was laughing his ass off.

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