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Chapter 2: Downworlders

Downworlders are creatures like werewolves, warlocks, faeries, and vampires. All Downworlders are part demon and part Mundane. They are demonic creatures and can be dangerous. They can not normally bear runes,the only downworlder that can bear the runes is Tessa gray.


Vampires are naturally found in dark places,like old hotels. They are not immune to sunlight and will burn to an ash when in contact with direct sunlight. They normally feed at night,on small animals as to not break the accords. Their natural enemies are werewolfs. They are humans infected with a demonic disease.


Werewolfs are known as Lycanthropes and the Children of the Moon.Like vampires, werewolves are humans infected with a demonic disease, which gives them the ability to transform into wolves and gain their inhuman strength and enhanced abilities. They can change at will or at a full moon, they are very territorial as are all downworlders.They possess unnatural strength and speed comparable to a demons abilities, and their claws and canine teeth are strong enough to slash through any metal or bite and break any metal. While they still bear a little resemblance to their human selves while Turned, their eyes become eyes of a wolf, even their eye color changes to either blue or a bright color ranging from yellow to orange or gold.


Even with their "magic" these creatures can not conceal their demonic appearance. Some will have simple cat eyes others will have it way worse. They can have a brilliant blue hue to their skin or even have a tail. They are more formally known as Lilith's Children because of the fact that they are the children of a demon or demonic force and a mundane. They are able to cast magic and are helpful to Shadowhunters and Mundanes who are aware of their existence. They are not able to have children just like their creator. They tend to be very wildly dressed and can be recognized in an instant.

Lilith's story:

Created by God as a wife for Adam(before Eve), she could not obey Adam or God himself. She was banished from the Garden of Eden, for her disobeyment, and then replaced by Eve. Her punishment was not being able to bear a child at all in her lifetime.

Even with her horrid curse she was able to have a demonic child with a fallen angel named Samuel. They made one too many at some point and angels recognizing the danger sent all demons into the void,but that could not hold them for long...

The most famous of the warlocks being Magnus Bane the high Warlock of Brooklyn. He is known for his relationships with shadowhunters including the famous Alec Lightwood(BF). He has many friends within the New York Institute for Shadowhunters, but he has a very small annoyance with Jace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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