Chapter 3 - The Big Swap

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When she woke up, she found herself laying down her bed. I never been here before. This must be my bedroom. She thought. Selene looked down to only see two bed mattresses below the one she was sleeping on.

"I really thought this would be like 'The Princess And The Pea.'" She said to herself.

She sighed. Why did I faint? And where is that light coming from? I don't get. She jumped of her bed trying to feel better. She stretched her arms, then she scratched her back. After that, she yawned. I wonder where Xander is. I hope he misses me.

She was about to open the door and step out of her bedroom when she looked down at her outfit. "Oh my goodness! I'm still wearing my wedding gown. Why didn't the servants remove this dress from me?!"

Oh, now I get it. Selene thought. If they undress me, I'll be naked. So that's why they didn't undress me. That's why..

She sighed and went inside the the bathroom. When she did, she saw a gown on top of the toilet bowl seat. Ew..gross, why here? Then she realized it wasn't a mess yet. It was still clean. And colorful too.

The neckline had sequences in it. It was a peach and pink ball gown. It was fit for a princess! She slipped the gown on her body. She combed her red hair and added pink flowers to it. Then she faced the humongous face mirror in front of her.

"Er..I need to get used to that."

She slipped on a pair of pink slippers with peach flowers on top of them. She walked in place, testing if the shoes she wore were comfortable. Fortunately it was very comfortable.

Selene looked beautiful. She was about to leave the bathroom when she realized something. She hasn't taken a bath yet. "Oh no." She was in a hurry to see the prince once again. So she found perfume and just dabbed it on her. I smell like I've taken a shower...

She ran out of her room. Obviously in a rush to see Prince Xander. Selene kept on running. She panted while she ran down the hallway. She searched every hall in the palace. But she really couldn't find him anywhere! There were just too many rooms and halls and doors. She can't find him.

The moment she heard voices, she jumped. When she heard them come closer, Selene almost tripped down her big gown.

"Oh-" She was about to fall down and injure herself. But manly and strong hands caught her.

When she found her feet, she wiped the sweat on her forehead. Then she was staring at the most handsome eyes in the whole wide world. Xander! While she was gazing at the prince with admiration, Xander just looked at her with eyes of sympathy.

"Are you alright?"

Selene nodded. "I'm glad you are." The prince then stared at her the same way she did. They were so close to each other. Approximately, six centimeters to be a bit exact. He started to pucker his lips. And Selene did the same.

Unfortunately, servants entered the hall they were in. So, Xander had to part with her. She stared at him, disappointed. While he greeted and ordered the servants on what to do, she quietly walked away from him. ''You're not leaving are you?"

She turned around and saw him holding a bouquet of flowers. Roses, more roses. Even more roses. She gasped. She never seen something so boring and lame in her entire life! "Wow, gee. Thanks." She said un-enthusiastically and sarcastically while she got the flowers.

"Do you like it?" He asked her. Of corse I don't! He gives me roses every time he does something wrong! Like, even before!

"Oh, of course I do! I actually love, love, love it! So much. So..thank you!" She fibbed trying to sound happy and surprised that he gave her the same kind of flowers for a thousand times. That's how much mistakes he commits. Amazing, right?

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