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Air travel can be pretty fun. Here are some useful tips.

1) Make sure you have all the "necessary stuff" like your passport or whatever you may need .

2) If you're flight is of a long duration(like an international flight) then make sure you get up, stretch and walk around periodically.

3) Watch a lot of movies  :P ( unless you get airsick by watching movies)

4) Think about what the time at your destination will be when you land and sleep accordingly(again, mostly for international flights).

5) Stay hydrated. Drink lotsa water and juice n stuff.

6) Take a book along with you to read.

7) Take pics of the view out the window :D

8) Carry chewing gum or mints or stuff like that. You will feel good by having things like that. (Wow hats off to my vocabulary. Not.)

9) On most bigger airplanes the window is kind of caved in (in a cave like thing) *again the vocabulary . Its just amazing * You will know what i mean when you see one....and you can easily place your pillow there and sleep(that is if you have the window seat. Obviously).

10) If you are carrying a tab or a tablet or any such device, be careful about keeping it in the  overhead luggage. It could easily get spoilt if other bags bump/crash into it during the take off or landing and stuff. Either wrap it carefully in a box with bubble wrap and stuff to check it in or carry it on, or best is to keep it down with you.
Whew. Long one. But seriously, I learnt the last tip through experience, so I had to tell you.

Hope you keep these in mind the next time you travel by air.
See ya soon =) <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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