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Millennia ago, the Greek god of the Underworld, Hades, fell for a beautiful Grecian maiden by the name of Callidora. Knowing that he could not end up with her, Hades confronted the dazzling woman about the situation. She laughed and the following week was one Hades would never forget.

To this day, Hades will never forget the way her grey eyes glittered in the sunlight like a newly polished diamond. How her smile was so bright he thought Apollo useless. How she would dance around in meadows, waiting for him to stop moping and join her.

When the day came that he heard of the birth of his daughter that Callidora had borne, he rushed to see the beloved sight. He was met with the sad news that his beautiful love was on her death bed after losing too much blood. His first child, his child of unknown power, would grow up without knowing her mother.

"I'm so sorry, my love, I should have pr-" he rushed out at the sight of her paling face, the worry setting into his heart.
"Come meet your daughter, Hades," the young maiden whispered, her voice weak as she stared at the beauty in her arms. He made his way over the infant in her arms and fell in love with the purple eyes that innocently looked up to him. Hades gave a handsome grin as the little girl giggle at him.
"I love you," Callidora whispered as her eyes looked from her daughter to the love of her life.

"I love you t-" he stopped at the sight of her head falling to the side, grey eyes closed in eternal rest. Hades picked up his little princess with tears in his eyes. The only thing left of the joyful maiden lay asleep in his arms. A flash of light suddenly blinded the lord of the dead before he was transported into the gleaming halls of Olympus' very own, Council Room.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hades inquired with strength in his voice as he looked to his brother, Zeus. Zeus' sky blue eyes glittered with the youth he no longer holds.
"It is about your daughter, brother," he responded in his deep voice. Hades raised a dark eyebrow in question and looked to the other Olympians.
"The Fates told us of a prophecy, one involving your child," Apollo added from his much too bright gold throne.

"Oh great, first child already gets pulled into a prophecy," Hades mumbled under his breath as each Olympian got off their thrones and stood in a circle around the father and daughter.
"Each of us must give your daughter our blessing so that she may grow into the most powerful warrior in history. Hades looked sceptical but decided he could not argue against the Fates and allowed them to continue.

Aphrodite: Eternal beauty
Hera: Loyalty
Artemis: Enhanced senses
Athena: Intelligence
Zeus: Easy control over her power
Ares: Strength and combat skills
Apollo: Basic talent in all his domains
Hermes: Swift speed
Hephaestus: Good with mechanisms
Demeter: Ability to grow plants
Dionysus: Ability to grow grapes anywhere
Poseidon: Communication with sea life

"That is all fair and well," Hades spoke after they each blessed the little girl sleeping in his arms, "But I should take her home now." Each Olympian suddenly looked exceedingly uncomfortable as they shifted from side to side, fiddling with their fingers.
"What?" he asked in an exasperated tone of voice.
"You won't be able to raise her..." Poseidon answered with a small voice, afraid of his brother's fiery temper.

"WHAT?!" Hades shouted, flames flickering in his eyes and in his hair.
"I'm sorry, brother! The prophecy speaks of her being the greatest hero in history. She will be trained in the realm of Nereus among the neireds as a mermaid. I will supervise her a lot of the time and she will be exposed to all the things she needs in order to become a great hero," Poseidon explained earnestly, looking into his siblings eyes in the hopes to quell the anger.

"Except for the knowledge of who her actual father is and what she is?" Hades snapped back, expecting them to want to keep his daughter separate from him.
"Yes," Zeus spoke, a façade of security placed upon him. Hades sighed before looking down at his stunning daughter. The sadness filling his heart nearly over-whelming.
"Do not despair, uncle. She will be trained by all of us, not just Nereus and Poseidon," Artemis comforted and Hades sighed before nodding and handing the most precious thing in his life over to Poseidon.

"One thing: her name will always be Cosmia Hadeson."

And Cosmia did just as they had planned. She grew up into the most gorgeous and powerful warrior in the history of Greek Mythology. From the age of ten to millennia onwards, Cosmia rode into battle, leading Olympus' army and claiming victory every time. She trained, practiced and fought for her whole life to reach the prize of being The Most Powerful Hero in History. This honour is one that no one would ever be able to take from her and its glory will sing its praises forever.


HI GUYS! This is the beginning of the revamped version of 'We Don't Mix'. My bad management skills have brought us to this place, welcome welcome. This story will be on a much lighter note than this Prologue and since it is a fanfiction, you will probably be seeing these little notes on the bottom of chapters. I am here to bring you one of my first books, but this time with proper facts, spelling and grammer. Also much less plot holes!
Great! Enjoy
Princess Ψ

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