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Luke's POV

I woke to sunlight streaming through the dirty windows of the cabin, annoying my eyes and distracting me for a second about the fact that I hadn't dreamt that night. Trying to brush the unusuality of the situation from my mind, I slowly climbed out of my bed, careful not to bump my head on the bunk above me. I set about getting changed into black skinny jeans, a pair of Vans I... uh, got and an orange camp shirt. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran my hands through my plain blonde hair so that the strands lay out of my face.

Since I was the Cabin Head, I got the wonderful duty of waking up the residents of Cabin 11. After the usual series of grumbles and groans, I made my way to my bunk and poked the newbie, Percy, awake.
"Rise and shine, dude. Time to get up," I spoke as his eyes fluttered opened, his irises dull with sleep and exhaustion. Grinning, I ruffled his raven hair and stood up straight to do the same to Cosmia.
"Don't... even think about poking me," she grumbled, partly against her hair and partly against the pillow. I laughed, a grin on my face as she slowly opened one eye, the sky blue and sea green colour shining in the perfectly placed sunlight.
"You need to get up though," I said, leaning against her bunk so that our faces we much closer. Her face scrunched up before she looked at me again with both eyes opened.
"How can your breath smell great at this hour?" she quietly complained before covering her face with the duvet. I laughed lightly, thinking to myself. How can someone be this perfect?

"OI! Get a room you two," Travis Stoll shouted from the other side of the cabin, as he laughed with his friends. I rolled my eyes, suppressing the blush to stay at my neck. Cosmia grinned before looking up at him, "When you find one with enough privacy, hit me up!" Everyone laughed as she grinned wider with a jokingly flirtatious wink, Travis turning beet red. I smirked, ignoring the pang in my heart as I gently shoved Cosmia before I walked around and made sure the rest had gotten up.

After I let everyone get ready for the day ahead, I called them in line in front of the cabin door and lead them to lunch. Cosmia jogged up to me, her lavender hair swinging in her high ponytail. She started walking beside me with a cheeky grin.
"What did you do now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, causing her to place a hand on her heart with a faux hurt expression, "Why do you automatically assume I have not been a darling angel-" she stopped at the sight of my expression, "Fine, I might have shoved a couple girls talking about your ass..." I laughed loudly as she grinned up at me.
"You're a special child, Cosmia," I said as we sat down at the Cabin 11 table. She smiled and started digging into her food hungrily.
"I just have to protect my friends," she mumbled, covering her mouth with her hand as she shrugged casually.
"That it, is it?" I enquired as I ate the food on my plate slowly.
"May have been a little jelly as well," she said with a grin and I laughed at her before shaking my head and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.


After a rowdy breakfast where I silently fought for Cosmia's attention with Connor, Travis and the shy Percy, I lead my cabin down to the stables for their first activity. I noted the excited expressions painted on the girls' faces as they giggled and flounced their way into the Camp Stables.
"What are we doing?" I heard Percy whisper to Cosmia, who just shrugged and pulled an 'I don't know' face.
"We, my dear newbies, are doing Pegasus riding. Quite tricky but extremely fun," I announced as the campers went and found the Pegasi they usually rode.
"Well that's exciting," muttered Percy and I rolled my eyes at his nonchalant point of view. I turned to the two of them and grinned with widespread arms, "Go along. Walk around and find the Pegasus that reacts to you. They'll be yours for as long as you're here. Well, of course other campers ride them, but you know, whatever makes you feel special." Cosmia laughed before walking off, leaving Percy with his awkward chuckle and nervously scurry along.

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