Chapter 3

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 It is now early morning, the firing of the men's guns waking me up from a slumber that I forced last night. My stomach aches causing sharp pains to shoot through my system. I wince, I really need to get some food.. I touch my valuable necklace which hangs loosely from my neck, and whisper aloud:

"My dearest parents, I love you. I might be with you soon after this.." I smile, slightly nervous.

I move my way through the many trees, searching for a camp. What I am planning is wild and crazy in extreme levels.. I am not so sure I will even survive.. But I must risk this, since I will die of starvation if I don't. The stench of possibly a dead animal fills my nose, and I stop dead in my tracks. I watch the ground, making sure I don't step on the dead species. Suddenly, my heart feels as if it will jump up and out of me, for it is a animal that creates the horrid stench.. But a human. Flies buzz around the corpse of a human male, oddly the head is missing.. Brown stains of blood, along with maggots cover the once green grass around the head. I feel the vomit rise in the back of my throat, but I quickly keep it down and move my hand to my mouth. I look away from the disturbing sight, and continue the way to my destination. At least I now know I am getting closer. I think to myself, trying to make something good out of this situation.

I soon reach the place I have been searching for, and hide in the bushes watching a group of Natives with guns walk by. Now, all I need is a knife.. So, I could catch my own food. If I am lucky, I could find food here! Hope fills me, but it all seems like a fantasy. A waste of my time, or just an awaiting suicide. I look around the camp, finally locking my eyes on a wooden crate sitting by a tree. Yes! Found you my lovely's.. Here goes nothing.. I gather all my courage and hatred towards the men and sprint towards the crate when the group is far away enough.

Surprisingly, I made it to the crate and it appears I haven't been seen, yet. Everything in the crate is sharp, and some weapons I don't even recognize. My heart sinks when I spot a grey pointy arrow. I-It's a arrowhead... No wonder my mother looked so worried when I found one.. Tears form at the corner of my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away, I don't have time for this right now! My hand shakes rapidly as it hovers over a razor sharp knife. The knife has a black wooden grip at the bottom, followed with a sharp silver 10 inch blade. Come on, Alex! Pick it up! I am terrified to touch it, mostly because it's what killed my only family... The blade shines in the light of the sun, and my trembling reflection is staring back at me. My hand slowly inches closer and closer until....

"Tsk. What would a fine young lady like you be doing around the English weapons?" A gruff voice becomes clear, and my long red hair is yanked back causing me to yelp not only because of pain, but because of shock.

The man twirls me around, me facing him, so that he could let his eyes have pleasure of my figure, and I look at him quite disgusted. I have definitely ran into the English camp, specially from the way this unkind man looks. He wears white hair, covering his bald head, and a long red coat covering his many layers of white clothing. A sardonic smile lays across his lips as he eyes me up. I must think fast! I snap my bare leg up with much force, aiming for where the sun doesn't shine, but failing due to his quick reflexes. Instead, the forceful kick flies into his right thigh causing him to loosen his grip on the lock of hair.

This is my chance! I yank my head away from his grip, some hair painfully getting ripped away, and I try to run. Yet, I am held hostage with a strong limb slithering under my chin. As reflex, my hands immediately travel up to the man's arm and I claw at his red coat pleading to be released. His only response to this is a tighter squeeze causing the air to not get to my lungs properly.

"Let me go!" I shout breathlessly.

"Oh, of course I will let you go." He speaks sarcastically. "After you see a buddy of mine, my dear, sure you would love him. He would love you, a beautiful young woman.. The age of 16 I suppose?"

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