Chapter 6

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 "Camille! Honey!" I call out, my shoulder aching from the weight of the bag. But I don't pay much attention, terribly worried about Camille. My leg from the bullet of the gun seems to be doing better, especially from the help of someone of the English. They patched it up, nice and tidy. 

I run through the woods, breathing heavily as I call her name. My body screams for me to stop, but I protest and continue running. Please.. Camille, just answer my calls. Soon, I can't take the throbbing pain in my body and I collapse.

"Cam....." I gasp for air. "Camille... Answer, me."

The noises of the wildlife swallows my weak voice, and I begin crying. I call out her name a final time once I have caught my voice, but it comes out as an aggravated scream.

"I don't want to lose you too!" I scream, and a few birds above me fly away.

"Alex...?" A small voice calls.

"Camille? Camille! Where are you?" Hope fills me and I force my tired muscles up from my spot, dropping the bag in front of me.

A small figure covered in mud, runs towards me screaming my name at the top of her lungs. I kneel down just in time to be greeted with a large hug. We both cry of joy, her tears soaking into the cloth covering my shoulder.

"I missed you so much, Camille." I smile, hugging her tighter.

She giggles, "it only has been a few hours."

"I know," I smile at her joke. "just I was so worried about you. How did you handle those men? Did you pull some big bad moves on them monsters?" I pull away from her, looking into her eyes.

"I wish! They stopped chasing me once they had caught you." I notice her looking behind my shoulder, probably at the bag.

"Oh, enjoy darling! It is for you!" Her eyes widen as she sprints towards the bag.

I join her and she greedily chooses what to eat.

"Thank you! Thanks you so very much!" She speaks with a mouth full of peach. "I was starving!"

"Remember your manners, Camille. No chewing with your mouth full." I remind her and she nods.

My mouth waters as my eyes stare at the bag full of food. There is fruits and vegetables, and some meat. I even notice some medication items for my wound. I take a piece of ham, letting my hunger get the best of me and I wolfed down the food. I hear Camille giggle and I glance over at her, my cheeks flushed.

"Alex! Remember your manners!" I chew and swallow, giving her a slight smile.

"Oops, excuse my rudeness." I chuckle. We finish eating, our stomachs full. Camille yawns dramatically, trying to get the point across the border of her being exhausted. "Time for bed~" 

"Okay, Alex." She agrees, her eyes looking heavy. "Where do we sleep?" 

I lift the bag full of heaven over my shoulder, and tap her nose. "You'll see." 

I begin walking, looking at the trees trying to find at least something similar to my small evention of a house. Finally, the stench of something dead fills my nose, that corpse. I spot the body, turning Camille away from the scene before she notices it too. Now, I know where to go.. I lead the both of us to the camp, which isn't too far away. 

Once Camille spots it, she sprints towards it seemingly amazed. "You made this, Alex? Wow! You are so cool!" She enters it, flopping down on the soft leafs I used for the base. I chuckle, and enter the home also. 

"Okay, Camille. Settle down, time to dream happy dreams, baby." I smile, laying down on the leafs. I notice my blanket -which I brought along with me from the French camp- to still be sitting in the corner where I had left it. I tuck Camille in, kissing her forehead gently. Her eyelids flutter shut, as a small smile creeps onto her face.

"Goodnight, Alex." 

"Goodnight, my princess." I whisper through the sounds of crickets chirping. 

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