Chapter 7

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It is now morning, me and Camille snack on our breakfast of fruits. After, I take my medication, and clean up my wound. I add new bandages over it, as Camille watches curiously. She scrunches up her nose once seeing my ugly wound. Once finished, I pack up our things, getting prepared for a walk.

"Where are we going, Alex?" She watches me loosening the straps on the bag in a comfortable position. 

"Isn't it time we go find your mother?" I ask, chuckling excitedly. 

"My mama? Yes!" She squeals in excitement.

Butterflies flutter around in my stomach as we walk to the French village. Camille sings a song in excitement, but stops once we hear gun fire. She hides behind me, and I take her hand and run both of us into a large bush behind us.

Soon, some French and much Natives appear to the right of us and sprint to the left. We both lower our heads further down in the bush and watch as their feet pass by. The natives make strange animal noises, and some even fire off their guns.

"W-what are they doing here in the woods?" Camille whispers. "The battle is out there."

"When people want something in life, they will try anything to get to it." I try explaining in the best way possible, though she might not understand that yet.

The French appear to be attacking from the woods, the English have no clue where they would be attacking from or when they will attack. Its a classic fighting technique that the Indians would use, attacking then running. They would often call it the Guerilla Warfare. Once the French and Native group had passed far by, we continue our way to the village.

"At least we know we are close to your home" I uplift our moods with those words. "you will see your mama in no time!"

"Yay! I can't wait!" She chuckles and runs ahead of me. I run with her, and soon we make it to the village of the French.

My heart stops to find the village burnt to ashes, only a few houses standing. A disgusted smell hovers in the air, burning my nostrils. Dead bodies lay everywhere, and I look down at Camille. She shouldn't see this. I tug on her hand and turn her body towards me.

"Come, let's get out of here sweetheart." I bite back the tears that are forming.

"No!" She pulls away from me and sprints towards a hut that has survived the fire.

"Camille! Come back here!" I yell, worried for her safety. Physical and emotional, I don't want her to see the horrible sight of her mom just like I had.

I chase after her, but she disappears in a small home. I step into the home, looking around at the walls to see beaded necklaces and Camille's name scratched into the wall. My hand immediately goes to my mouth as I gasp, the heartbreaking sight plays with my memories of my own parents... Camille sits up on her knees holding her mother's lifeless hand in hers.

"Mama, please wake up!" She sobs. "Everything will be okay, just wake up! Please!"

I walk over to a blanket that lays on the floor nearby, and walk over to Camille and her mother. I give the blanket to Camille, and she immediately wraps her mother in it.

"Sometimes, people must sleep. They get really tired, she will always love you." I hug Camille, rubbing her back soothing her.

"I must let her go.." She repeats, emotionless. "Mom, I love you! So very much, I am sorry I let the men take me away! Please forgive me, I will never ever let that happen again! Just wake up! You don't have to punish me, I have learned my lesson! I have learned my lesson! I have learned my lesson..." she sobs.

"Let's go, my love. Things will be okay, she forgives you. We have to go before we are caught." I pull away from her as she plants a kiss on her mother's pale cheek.

"Sleep tight, mama." She says, and we both leave the village silently. Neither of us say a word.

I lead the both of us back to the small fort I built, neither of us has yet to say a word. I have made attempts, but I figured it isn't the time. Camille seems emotionless, just staring at the ground as she walks. I worry of her emotional state, if this will change her perspective of the world. I know it's her fate to become like me, thinking the world is terrible, but I just can't believe a joyful young girl such as herself being welcomed into a world of depression. I must try my best to keep her happy...

We soon arrive to the fort, and I drop the sack of food down inside the fort. Shocking, the visit took much time, and the sun sets over the horizon. I turn, expecting to see Camille there behind me, but she swiftly walks past me and inside the fort laying down. Her back faces me, and I sigh feeling very sorry for the young infant. I lay down also, giving her enough space to herself. Maybe she will want to talk about it tomorrow.. It has been a rough day. I close my eyes, preparing for sleep to overtake me.

"Alex?" Camille interrupts my thoughts, and I sit up straight looking at her figure. Her back still faces me..

"Yes, darling?" I ask, trying to hide the worry in my voice.

"You forgot your necklace, I knew I shouldn't keep it." She crawls over to me, and takes the breathtaking jewelry from her skirt and holds it out to me. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you." I hug her, whispering into her ear. "It's all yours, you will need it more than me. With this, my parents, your mom and god will always be with you."

"Really? Oh, thank you Alex!" She smiles and stares at the necklace. Yes, there is that lovely smile! I was so scared that you would never smile like that again..  I giggle and put the necklace around her neck gently.

She stares down at it with wide eyes, and prays. "Oh, mama.. I miss you already! I hope god takes care of you, Alex's parents and any other person who has fallen into a deep sleep!"

Chuckling I speak, "Camille, I want to know if you mind staying with me? I mean, I should ask since I don't know if you have any family to stay with. I will teach you everything you need to know, whenever a man finds you, you will know how to defend yourself! Please sta-"

"Alex! Of course I will, you really are like a mom to me." She smiles and tears form in my eyes, we hug each other tightly and we lay back down. Maybe, I could trust others. I feel that I trust Camille, she is like my daughter.. I- I love her. The creatures of the night takes both of us away to a deep sleep. 

Haiiiiiiz, fabulish people. I could see I do have a few of you tagging along to this adventure. I will admit to this story not being one of my best, mostly since this was mainly for a history project. But, I hope you guys could comprehend with my mistakes, and hopefully enjoy my small story. Sadly though, we are reaching towards the end of Camille's and Alex's adventure. One more thing, all comments are accepted! Hate, or love, doesn't matter. I would love to see what you guys think of this story, for it is possibly the first to be finished on Wattpad from me. Sooooo, please comment, vote or love this! Baiiiiiz my favorite ppl, love you!! c:


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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