Chapter One.

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I sat on my bed and stared at the stupid pictures on my wall of the two of us. That big dumb, dummy head. He promised he'd stay in contact with me, and that he'd never forget me. Guess how long its been since I even got a text message?

Three weeks.

Kicking the wall with the heel of my foot, the frames rattle. I kind of wish they would fall and just smash already. Sometimes its too much looking at these pictures and seeing his smiling face next to mine. It makes me think of those special moments we shared together last summer, however short it was. Because it didn't matter to me that I only knew him for a short period of time, I knew that I loved him. And I thought he loved me.

"Sunshine? Sammy's here," my mother said cautiously.

I've been a little moody here lately, so my parents are basically walking on eggshells around me. "Send her in then."

"Sunshine Collins, why is your mother practically wetting herself at the thought of having to come talk to you?" Sammy snapped. "I thought you decided to get over this."

"You can't just decide to get over this," I grouched. "I don't understand why he hasn't been contacting me regularly. What did I do wrong?"

Sammy plopped down on my bed, assuming the same position next to me. "You didn't do anything wrong. Maybe he isn't who we thought he was. Maybe he changed. Maybe this is for the best."

"But he PROMISED!" I hollered, kicking the wall again. The picture of the three of us, Calvin, me, and Sammy shook dangerously on its nail. "He promised he wouldn't forget me, he promised he's keep in contact, and he swore that he loved me." I sniffled. "Its just not like him to go ignoring me."

She sighed, and sat up to adjust the picture. "Why don't you call him then, Sun?"

"You think I haven't tried that already? He's stopped answering."

"What? What the heck is his problem?"

I wiped a tear off my cheek. "I don't even know. I never thought it was going to be like this."

Sammy stood up. "Well, he never knew I could be this mean and nasty, and just you wait! Next time I see him, he's getting a Chuck Norris style roundhouse kick to the-"

"When will you ever see him again?" I asked her, laughing. "Its not like you'll fly up to Columbus just to kick his butt."

"I might just do exactly that. You never know what I might do. I'm like a ninja, speedy quick. Chuck Norris was my father."

"No he wasn't, Marvin's your father," I laughed. "And you're crazy."

"Yep, sure am. Lets go get a coke, Sunshine. I'm tired of lazing around on your bed all day."

I stood up with her, rubbing the sadness from my eyes. "Who knows, maybe he'll call me today."

"Yeah," Sammy said, trying to keep the skepticism out of her voice. "He just might."


"What do you mean, sold out? I didn't even know we had that many people in town!" Sammy cried in exasperation.

The movie ticket guy eyed her in fear. He was a little thing, someone I've only seen once or twice but never bothered to learn his name. He was only a little taller than Sammy, who was pretty short.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have have anymore tickets for Zombie Galore. Might I suggest buying a ticket for Sweet Justice?" Ticket Guy said, trembling.

Sammy roared in indignation. "You think that just because I'm a girl I would want to see that crappy piece of sap? The nerve of people today!"

"Listen lady, I just sell the tickets. You'll have to come back at another time if you want to see the movie," he squeaked out, his own attempt at being bold.

She just snorted at him. "Good day to you, you nub."

As we walked away, I raised my eyebrow at her. "Did you get it out of your system?"

"I have never defied the man like that before, Sunshine," she said, grinning to herself.

"It was just the poor ticket guy. He almost pooped his pants when you started yelling. It wasn't that big of a deal, anyway."

"No, of course not. Although, I wish I hadn't made such a big deal out of Sweet Justice. I kind of wanted to come back and see that with Landon."

"Just hope and pray that he's not working. Or wear a simple disguise if he is."

Sammy just laughed. "I'm not afraid of him. If he's scared of me, he'll pretend he doesn't even know me."

"Or he will call security and have them throw you out."

"Oh, tartar sauce! I stepped in pigeon poo!" Sammy exclaimed.

I laughed at her as she wiped her shoe off in the grass. Hanging out with Sammy when I was down was a brilliant idea. She was always cheerful enough for the both of us, and didn't mind when I suddenly got depressed.

My phone vibrated, and for one glorious second I thought it was Calvin. Anxiously checking my phone, I realized it was just some stupid forward from an acquaintance of mine. Anger rose within me, and I was about to chuck my phone into the bushes when I noticed something. There was another message in my inbox, and it was from Calvin. My heart stopped in my chest for a second, and then burst into a joyful, happy beat. I hurriedly opened the message.

And then I was depressed again.

Hey, Sun. I'm sorry I haven't been easy to get ahold of, I've been so busy. I won't promise that I'll call tonight, but I'll try. Love you!

If you could virtually stab someone, I'd have stabbed him multiple times.

"Did he text you?" Sammy asked in excitement.

"Yeah, he texted me. Like an hour ago."

"Really, what does it say?"

I showed her the text, and she kicked a rock down the sidewalk. "That's a lame excuse. 'I've been busy'. I've been busy cleaning my cats litter box, but I find time to call you."

"Its nothing, Sam." I sighed. "I'm used to it by now."

Sammy looked at me, her eye filled with concern. "It'll be alright, Sunshine. I bet he really does actually have a good excuse he hasn't told you yet."

"Yeah," I said," maybe."


Okay, sorry this was so short! But its really hot in my room right now, and I'm about to die o.0

So this is just kind of an introductory on what's been happening since Calvin went back home. So sad :(

Anyway, next chapter will be much more exciting and detail filled. Have a wonderful day!


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