Chapter Four.

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Sunshine's POV.

There's a new hole in my wall. Well, to be truthful, it's the only hole in my wall. I punched it in when I got off the phone with Calvin yesterday, in an unexpected, uncharacteristic fit of rage and hurt. If only the wall had somehow magically transformed into his face.

The sky outside is brilliant, and spring is in full bloom. However, I just cannot bring myself to enjoy the weather with my heart hurting so badly. Every time I see his name in my contacts, I feel that sad empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, and my lower lip quivers. Its not fair how he continues to tell me he loves me, but he doesn't follow through with his actions.

I'm laying in the sun on the beach when Sammy stomps up. By the sound of her breathing, she's pretty worked up.

"What's wrong, Sammy? Did Landon say something?" I ask, trying to sound interested.

"Pack your bags," she demands.

"Excuse me?" I ask, bewildered.

"I said, pack your bags. We're going to Columbus to smack some sense into that boy's head."

I snap open my eyes, the glare of the sun momentarily blinding. When my vision focuses on her, I raise my eyebrows. "You're kidding."

"I am not. I'm tired of hearing about this 'Can't tell you anything' B.S. We're going to go surprise him."

"Sammy... Of all the irrational things you've suggested and/or done, this has to be the craziest."

She throws her hands in the air, and plops down next to me. "Sunshine, I am being completely serious. What better way to find out what's going on with them than to show up at his door and demand an explaination?"

"I can think of a million."

"No you can't, or else you'd have done them by now," she retorts.

"Sammy, if we do that, I'm going to look like the pyscho girlfriend with the enraged best friend," I say, rolling on my side. "I'll just call him again."

"No!" Sammy smacks her leg. "Sunshine, if you keep waiting, you're going to grow tired of it, and then you're going to throw away a relationship with the love of your life."

I sigh, clutching my stomach. Just the thought of flying to Columbus to get rejected by Calvin was making me queasy. "I'm too scared."

She softens at my vulnerability. "I know. But I promise, it's worth the risk. Plus, I'll pay for your plane ticket."

"That makes me feel so much better, thank you," I say sarcastically.

"Trust me. This is going to work."


"Excuse me, you're in my seat."

Sammy and I look up from our seats on the plane to a wild haired red head. "Pardon?" Sammy asks.

The woman, seemingly to be in her early twenties, takes in a deep breath. "I said, you are in my seat," she hisses.

"I am sorry, ma'am," Sammy spits, "but this seat is clearly mine. Look at my ticket."

Red snatches the ticket from her hands, and the hardness in her eyes falters for a moment. "Whatever." Throwing the ticket back at her, she slumped in the seat behind her.

"I'm taking this as a sign that we shouldn't be doing this," I say nervously.

"Shut up, Sun. Up until this point things have been marvelously grand, apart from your constant doubting."

I fold my arms roughly. "I have reason to doubt," I mutter.

"Hm? What was that?" she asks.

"Nothing, nothing at all."

Sammy eyes me suspiciously, settles comfortably in her seat, taking a swig from her soda. "You'll see for yourself, Sun. We should have done this months ago."

"Yeah, then we would've looked even crazier. How can you be so sure that this is the right thing to do?"

Quietly putting her cup down, she avoids eye contact with me. "Because... Something doesn't seem right about this, apart from the fact that he hasn't been in contact with you regularly. I just feel... like this is the right thing to do."

Well, I guess that's valid reasoning. "But doesn't this seem a little extreme to you?"

"I can't believe you aren't fully on board with this," Sammy says in quiet disgust. "You need answers, and you're dying to know why he hasn't been talking to you. Then, when you have an opportunity to go and find out, you're afraid."

Suddenly it settles firmly within me, what we're about to do. I'm flying with my best friend to Columbus, Ohio, to finally figure out why my boyfriend, the love of my life, has been avoiding conversation with me. Does it sound a little pyschotic? Most definitely. Do I care any more? Absolutely not.

"Let's do this," I say passionately. Sammy fist pumps, then for added affect, blows a raspberry at Red across the aisle from us. She glowers, then turns back around.

"Look out Calvin, we're a -coming for you!" Sammy gloats.



 I have been uberly swamped by the consequences of my procrastination, thus causing me to have to catch up in school. I know this is a sort of eventful/uneventful chapter. >.<

Anyways, thank you so much for being patient and waiting, you guys are fabulous <3


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