Wedding Day

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Chloe's pov
Times skips to wedding day
Omg today is my wedding day.I can't believe it. I mean me and josh....we have been through so much together.breaks ups,fights,slaps,etc

Times skips to ceremony
As I stepped out into the church I instantly look as Josh.He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo.I then looked at my bridesmaids.Paige,Brooke,Asia,and Mackenize.They all looked so beautiful...

Times skips to the vows parts

"Josh would you like to say your vows"the preacher said

Josh nodded at him then started

"Chloe from the day I meet you I knew you were something special...I mean look at you...your so wonderful..i know I haven't been the best over years but we pulled through it all....and I know I haven't been the best man I can be but I promise you that I will never ever be that guy I was before...Chloe I love you so much that it hurts...I love your smile,I love him you blush when I compliment you,I love when  you giggle,I love how you are so strong....Over all Chloe I love you some much.

About time Josh finished I was crying buckets that was so sweet.

"Chloe"the preacher said

I nodded and started

"Joshua Hyland I love you so much....I know that we've had our ups and downs but you were always might have been an asshole at times but I still love you....No matter what you did I still loved you....Josh your my everything.....I know I'm not saying much but I just want you to know I love you..."

When I finshed I saw Josh had tears in his eyes

"Do you Joshua Hyland take Chloe lukiasiak to be your lawfully wedded wife"the preacher said

"I do"

"Do you Chloe lukiasiak take Joshua Hyland to be your lawfully wedded husband"

"I do"

"Well then I know pronounce you Husband and Wife,You may kiss the bride" the preacher said with a big smile

Josh then grabs my shoulders dips me and kisses me like the world is was gonna disappear.

When we broke apart I was blushing so hard,While everyone was cheering.

Time skips to after wedding

The wedding was so much fun.Paige got up and told everyone  stories...Everyone was dancing and having such a good time.

Me and josh were now on our way to our honeymoon

"Come on Chloe we're gonna be late"Josh yelled from downstairs.

"OK I'm comin as fast as—agghhh"I scream as I felt water hit the floor

Shit my water just brok

"Josh"i screamed

"What come on we have to leave"he said

"JOSH THE BABY IS COMING"I yelled back while trying to walk down the stairs.

"What—oh shit it time"he said while running to get the baby stuff

"Hurry up Josh"I said

"ok let's go"he said while walking me to the car

He puts me in the back seat and we are off.

"Josh what's taking so long,damn get me to the fucking hospital."I said

"I'm going as fast as I can baby"he said

"No your not Josh,damn why don't you just fucking floor it,you child is ready to come out"I said
I guess Josh got the message pretty clear because we got here pretty fast

Josh walked me into the hospital

"Someone help my wife is in labor"he yelled
Instantly nurses came and took me upstairs

Two hours later
I'm now one second away from giving birth and while Josh is whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

He looked at me like I grew another but he stopped.

"Chloe it's time to push on the count of you"the doctor said



I pushed

"Great job Chloe...I'm gonna need you to push once again"the doctor said



I pushed really really hard this time and next thing you know I hear a baby crying.....

But then I feel another wave of pain

The doctor then tells me to push again

Next thing you know you hear another baby crying

Doctor then gets the babies and does all the stuff doctors do...

Then he handed me looked at me and said "Congratulations it's a..........

Authors Note❤️❤️
Hey guys so I wanted to say sorry for rushing the wedding but I really didn't want too write a long one...and sorry for the vows....anyway it's sad to say that there is only two more chapter left...I know we've been through the do much Ruth this book.❤️❤️

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