Chapter One -So Damned Hard

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Chapter One- So Damned Hard


I remember the first time I saw Raven Beaumont. It was at his father's funeral. A sad day in the West that Saturday was. Reynold Beaumont was a good man. Hard workin' and honest, you don't find many people with those two qualities hand in hand and that's why I went to pay my respects.

Worst and best decision of my life.

Though I never spoke one word to the boy he invaded my mind now that I can put a face to the name. I always heard about him though, don't think a person five miles in each direction never heard of him. About how kind he is, how helpful he is. How beautiful.

I always chalked it up to folks embellishin' on what was real. For all I know Raven could have been uglier than that three headed guy from Spy Kids. But boy was I in for a shock when my eyes rested on all five feet of pure gorgeousness and I never quite figured out why I'm attracted to him in all the sexual ways you could think about.

The next time I saw him was also one of the best and worst days of my life. My baby sister Reva brought him home one night. He looked as if he was livin' out on the streets, all covered in dirt and filth from head to toe. His shirt was torn in some places and his jeans had more holes than a strainer. He was thin and looked more frightened than a man about to be hanged.

Reva hustled him past my gawkin' sendin' a death glare my way before going upstairs. When she came back down nearly an hour later she was close to tears and that in itself was a rare thing. With parents like ours, you learn to grow thick skin fast.

"That bitch!" she seethed comin' from the kitchen with two beers and handed one to me.

"Who's a bitch and why is that boy here?" I asked twistin' the cap off and takin' a drink.

"Raven's step mother. Can you believe she threw that poor boy out of his own home the following day after he buried his father?" I opened my mouth but Reva went on after droppin' next to me on the sofa.

"Not a dollar in his pocket and only the clothes on his back. He's been sleeping behind the steak house for three months Rylon." she looks at me again, that sad look on her face.

"Well that is a low thing she did but why is that boy here?" I asked again.

"I offered him a job since he wouldn't take anything for free." she shrugged like we were talkin' about the weather.

"And what job would that be Reva? He don't got the frame to be workin' on no ranch." that boy's got a body made for lovin' pure and simple.

"He's your new caretaker since I'm heading off for school. You need somebody to cook and clean for you." she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I can't hire him! He's too young!" I'd tried anything to get him away from me.

"Nope. He's nineteen and by god I've heard he can make biscuits better than anybody in a ten mile radius." she smirked at me.

I ain't goin' down without swingin', that little girl thinkin' she can bribe me through my belly, she got another thing comin'.

"I don't want him. He'll only be in my way."

"Oh hush, you're actin' like he's some kind of curious puppy nippin' at your heels and besides you'll be in the fields all day." she glares at me while I gave her my 'over my dead body' look.

"Where do you expect him to go? Back out on the streets where I found him? Then fine! I'll just go wake him up and dump his ass back behind the dumpster where I found him." Reva fumed slammin' her bear down on the coffee table and standin' abruptly.

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