Chapter Seven-Protective

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Chapter Seven- Protective.


Since that faithful evenin' I've been kissin' on Raven a lot more frequently, not in front of Reva though, I still haven't found the time to talk with her about Raven.

The mornin' the good Doctor came back to town I was up bright an' early, even wore one of my church shirts.

"Where you goin' looking all doozy?" Reva asked pourin' me a cup.


"Oh? Look... Rylon... 'bout what happened... The other day.." Reva pushes her cup around the counter lookin' at all but me.


"Yea.. Well I do love Raven but we both know me and him are impossible. I just want him to be happy." she says softly lookin' me in the eyes.

"Me too." I smiled at her and went around to hug her.

"I love you sis."

"I love you too big brother."

After breakfast I left the house but not before giving Raven a quick kiss much to his surprise and Reva's delight.

I had a doctor to gut.

Badging into the office I gave the receptionist a scathing glare. "Get out of my way lady." I said lowly. She gulped and shifted a little more to the left almost huggin' the wall. "Now tell me where Dr. Liam is? The young one."

"R-Room three." she stuttered.

"Down that-a way." I pointed down the hall and she nodded.

Takin' long strides I passed rooms one and two and pushed open the door to room three roughly.

"What is it Ms. Pam." he asked without lookin' up from his clipboard.

"Guess again doc." I said grabbin' him by the lapels of his coat when he turned around and punched him in his face. The crunch of his nose breakin' was a satisfyin' sound as his head whipped to one side and his hands flyin' to his face.

"What the hell Rylon!" someone bellowed and it was none other than the Sheriff.

"Just takin' care o' some business with this dirty rapist." I said grabbin' Liam again and slammin' him against the dry wall, my hand goin' around his throat and I squeezed hard.

"I – I didn't rape anybody." Liam wheezed, blood gushin' from his nose onto his white coat.

"But you almost did two weeks ago." I snarled in his face. I squeezed harder until his face was red, then I let up a little.

"Rylon for the love of god let him go!" the Sherriff shouted when he finished doing up his shirt buttons.

I did and stepped back a little.

"Now tell me what all this is about."

"Two weeks ago he took Raven out. He tried to rape him but Raven got away before it reached that far." I gritted out, my anger reaching to new heights, my hands goin' to Liam's throat again.

"No means no Liam or do you not understand simple English?" Liam clawed at my wrist while I squeezed the air out of him.

"Rylon! Let him go before you kill him! Jesus!" the Sherriff says placin' his hand on my arm. I let him go while he gasped for air.

"I – he.. he wanted it. He went w-with me to that f-field." Liam coughed.

"You fuckin' bastard!" I went at him again, slammin' him into the dry wall till it cracked.

"He went on a date with you not for sex! Why didn't you stop when he said no?" I growl in his ear then punched him in the ribs.

"Why. Didn't. You. Stop?" I knocked him into the wall with each word while he shrieked and gurgled with the Sherriff tryin' to pry me off the bastard.

"Go over there Rylon!" The Sherriff barked pointin' at the other end of the room once he finally got us apart.

"Now I'll be the one asking the questions!" he glared at me until I crossed the room and got at least five feet of space between the doctor and I.

"Doctor did you take that boy out on a date?"

"Y-yes" he stuttered sliding down the wall. One hand at his throat the other to his face.

"And did Raven, at any time during that date specifically told you he wanted sex? Did he initiate that kind of contact?" the Sheriff questioned.

"No... well he did go with me to the field."

"Did you initiate sexual advances?" the sheriff continued.

"Yes, why else would I not? Have you seen Raven? He's beautiful." Liam exclaimed and I was about to end him. I glanced at the Sherriff and he touched his gun briefly. Fuck.

"Did he say the words 'no' or 'stop' at any time?"

"He did but you know how virgins are. They want a man to take control." Liam swore.

"So let me get this straight Doctor, what you're telling me is that you took that boy on a date to dinner and then you took him to a deserted field in the night where you tried to have sex with him when he at no time initiated any sexual advances to you-"

"Well yes, bu-"

"Shut up! I'm not finished. Right, the boy did not indicate he wanted to have any sexual relations with you but you pushed yourself onto him despite him saying clearly the words 'no' and 'stop' which you ignored because he is a virgin and wanted you to take control." the Sheriff said calmly.

"Yes. In a nut shell. But he wanted it. He was saying no but I knew he wanted it."

"Alright then. So you admit to taking that boy out with the intention of assaulting him sexually whether or not he wanted to. By law and as an officer of the law I am placing you under arrest for attempted rape doctor." the Sherriff cuffed Liam so fast he was a splutterin' mess screamin' "he wanted it!"

"Rylon I'll be by later to get a statement from Raven alright." the Sherriff said marching Liam out.

When I returned home I got two sets of long faces, scoldin' and a very angry version of first aid from Raven.

I took it repeatin' 'I'm sorry' but it ain't true, not one bit. That bastard got what he deserved. A good old fashion beatin' from a protective boyfriend and I enjoyed every moment of it.

And besides, since the Doctor got locked up Raven's been goin' outside more and he seems to be coming back to himself. I'm not sayin' he's runnin' around like a crazy person all over the property but I did see good improvements in how often he went out on his own.



Well i did say double dose today.

Shout out:













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