Chapter 26 Yes or no?

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It was a Saturday morning, I was woken up by the sound of screaming children! I rolled my eyes and went into the kids room, Beau came into the room looking like crap! He had bags under his eyes, he was dragging his arms along the floor he was a mess! I took him into the bedroom and tucked him under the covers and handed him a pair of ear plugs. I fed Lily and Daniel and brought them into the lounge with me. I put the kettle on and started to talk to the twins.

"Your daddy is lazy isn't he?"

Lily started to giggle and make noises whereas Daniel drifted off to sleep, just like his dad! I made Beau a coffee and put it on the table next to him before jumping back under the covers with him. His eyes opened and looked at me, those eyes still got me every time. He leaned over and gave me a kiss, he sat up and took a sip of his coffee.

"What's the plan for today then?"

Beau asks as he pulls me up to him.

"Hmm I don't know, what do you want to do?"

He looked at me and smiled, I gave him a smile back just to go along with it.

"I think mum wants us to meet her at her house in an hour, so you better go and get dressed!"

I shot up out of bed and jumped in the shower, I felt Beau pressed against my wet skin. I turn and face him resting my hands on his chest, tracing them down to his stomach. He placed his hands on my back and traced them down to my hips. We were a pair of teasers half the time, but we didn't mind it!

Once I was showered I put on a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top! I now had my figure back to how it was and I could wear crop tops whenever I wanted! I dressed Lily in a little pink dress with white Booties and I put Daniel in a dungaree piece with blue booties.

"Ready to go?"

Beau asked as he leant his head in my neck sending shivers down my spine!

"I most certainly am!"

Beau took hold of Lily and I carried Daniel to the car. We buckled in and set off to Gina'a house. I wonder why she wanted us round today? At least my parents were still in town for another month which was good, they were my little piece of home!

When we pulled up outside Gina'a I saw Lou's car, Ri's car and also James' car. I guess they were round Gina's too! I walked in and was greeted with kisses and hugs from everyone! I walked into the lounge and found balloons and banners with 'Congratulations' written on then, what was going on?

"We would like to toast to Hollie on getting her song to number one! Cheers!"

Gina handed me a drink and made a toast to me, that explains the balloons and banners! Ri, Lou and I were all back together again, we stood there talking for a while having a good drink, seeing as I wasn't allowed to drink for nine whole months!

"We should all go out tonight! A meal and drinks in celebration!"

Ri suggested, we all liked the sound of it and made arrangements to go for a dinner at 8 o'clock at O'Neil's. My dad seemed happy about the idea seeing as he liked O'Neil's just as much as me! We had to book a table for 12 people, it was going to be one expensive night for whoever was paying, I hope it wasn't me!

The boys were out in the garden playing about with each other, the girls and I sat outside with a glass of champagne each and watched the boys! The boys were funny when they were together, they always did crazy things, today they were attacking each other with glue and other substances they could find round the house.

"They are nuts sometimes!"

Lou said.

"Nuts sometimes? That's an understatement, try all the time!"

"Yeah true!"

We sat giggling with each other. Beau sat on my lap, Luke sat on Ri's lap and Skip sat on Lou's lap. They weighed more than us and I could feel my legs turning to jelly. Mum and Gina had hold of the kids, Hannah was playing football with the boys and dad stepped out in the garden for a cigar.

"What you gonna wear tonight dad?"

I say to him as he lights his cigar.

"I don't know, maybe my g-stars with my black polo shirt! What do you think?"

"Yeah sounds good, going to look very smart!"

I say to him. My dad was a very smartly dressed man. I was going to wear the dress I wore for Beau'a party, it was such a nice dress and I wanted to get more than one wear out of it!

It was around 5 o'clock we left Gina'a house leaving us only 2 hours to get ready before we would have to go out for the meal. I stepped through the door and ran straight to bathroom leaving Beau to put the children in the cots and organise a baby sitter. I had a quick shower and did a face scrub on my skin to make my face smooth. I put on a fresh pair on underwear and a strapless bra. I put on smokey eye makeup for my eyes with eyeliner and mascara. I put a blood red lip gloss on my lips and straightened my hair with a back comb effect. Beau hopped in the shower whilst I put my dress on. I got him out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a white t-shirt that had a bow tie printed into it. I slipped on my pastel pink heels and checked myself out in the mirror.

"Nice choice of clothes Holls!"

Beau said to me and saw his reflection in the mirror.

"Did you forget a towel?"

He was standing there completely naked in front of me!

"You've never complained before!"

He said with a wink. Cheeky sod he was, I left the room and shut the bedroom door. I let in the baby sitter and introduced her to Lily and Daniel.

"I will see you soon Amelia!"

I say to her as Beau came out and grabbed the car keys. The drove was nice, no screaming children in the back seat, it was like the days we use to have just Beau and I driving around together just us two.

We sat down at out table, I was sat between Beau and Ri. I wasn't allowed to drink at the meal seeing as I was under age so I just ordered a coke to start the night off with! Beau kept looking at me the whole time we was there, I didn't mind but it made me feel a bit self conscious!

"I have an announcement to make!"

Beau stood up from the table and everyone was focused on him! He pulled me up with him and our his arms around my waist. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little red box. He got down on one knee in front of me! Was I dreaming or was this all true, everyone had a big smile on their face whereas I was shocked.

"Hollie, you have changed my life the moment I met you, the night of the concert in London when I pulled you up on stage was the best thing I did! You have been there for me through thick and thin and helped me with fights with ex's and sorting out outfits!"

We all have out a little chuckle and he continued on!

"I know I did a bad thing during your pregnancy and I regret it! If I could turn back time now I would never of done it! You have produced me two beautiful children who I love to bits. Words can not describe how much I love you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you! I want to grow old with you surrounded by grand children and thousands of animals that you have to look after because of your veterinary career!"

A smile grew on my face with a tear rolling down my cheek! He opened up the box and showed me a ring, I was silver with a fairly large diamond on top with two diamonds either side of it. He gestured it towards me and spoke.

"Hollie Magner, will you make the happiest man and marry me?"

A Fairtytale Ending? (Beau Brooks/janoskian fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now