Harrys pov:
I went downstairs and all the boys were talking, "Hey, when Issy wakes up will you guys cover for me? Im going to go talk things out with Taylor. Ill meet you at the studio."."ye-" "Why are you meeting her?" "Niall talked when Louis answered. "Uh, well I was just going to tell her that Issy and my relationship is serious and I dont like her anymore." "Why cant Issy know?" Niall questioned. "I dont want to hurt her." "If you lie to her and she finds out it going to hurt her even more." "I know, im going to tell her when we all get home. I dont like Taylor so im going to try to clear things up and tell her she needs to stop." "Okay, just leave and dont do anything you will regret." Louis shouted as I walked out of the door.
I could tell Niall was pissed, Issy and him have been pretty close lately.
I feel bad for going behind Issys back, but its for Issy. I want a future with her and we will have a future.
Even though Taylor and I arent dating and she had broken up with me a while ago she still tells everybody we are dating, including on interviews. I didnt want to tell Issy because she would probably get mad I was meeting her when I could have called her and told her the same thing. I dont like lieing to her, but its better than hurting her. Niall is probably going to tell her, "Damnit."
Issys pov:
I got up and rolled over, Harry wasnt there, but I heard people talking downstairs. I got changed and went down. I looked around for Harry and he was no where to be found. "Where is Harry?" I asked the boys who were eating breakfast. They all looked at eachother. "He went to get some coffee." Louis said. "Can I talk to you in the other room?" Niall asked. "Yea, whats wrong?" He didnt answer he just walked into the other room and I followed.
"Your going to see stuff about Harry being with Taylor today, he was. but he is trying to make things better with your relationship. She has been telling a lot of interviewers that they are still dating, so Harry went to straighten it up." Tears rolled down my face, "Okay, thanks for telling me." He hugged me, "He loves you, I can tell, hes never loved another girl like he loves you."
"You wanna watch some TV and get our minds off this?" He laughed. "Yes!" I laughed.
He turned on channel 4. *Breaking news*
"Harry and Taylor spotted having coffee together. Is Harry cheating on his princess?" Tears started to roll down my cheeks, non-stop. I ran through the kitchen to my room and locked the door.
Nialls pov:
I chased after her, "Issy open the door, Its going to be okay"
A few mintues later
She opened the door, with blood all over her hands and the floor.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her sleeve up. There were so many scars from cutting, but 3 fresh cuts. "Issy, hun." I grabbed her and hugged her tight.
We both heard the door open. "HARRY!" I yelled.
Harrys pov:
I opened the door to hear Niall yell my name, "Where is Issy?" "with Niall." Zayn said. "what the fuck? With Niall!" "HARRY GET YOUR ASS IN HERE." I heard Niall scream again. The boys rushed to find Issy in Nialls arm with blood all over the place. "Oh no" I said. Issy backed away from Niall. "GO BE WITH TAYLOR!" She yelled at me. I took her in for a hug, "come here." I said. She slowly walked over to me an wrapped her arms around my waist. "I did it for you, Issy. I want a future with you and I wasnt going to have her ruin it." I kissed her forehead, grabbed her hand and pulled her sleeve up. "Baby." She started to cry again. "Lets go clean this up." we walked through the door past the boys who were shocked. "Do you still want to go to the studio?" I whispered to her. "Yea." I smiled. "I thought you quit doing this, Issy. In 10th grade." "I did." She put her head on my shoulder. "Im sorry."
After she cleaned up I carried her to the couch to lay down until we left because she was light headed from losing so much blood.
I walked into the kitchen and put my head in my hands. "Its okay, mate." Niall said.
"When she said she had a lot of scars, she meant it, now I feel like shit." Louis shook his head.
"When are we leaving?" I asked. "In about 10 minutes." I nodded my head and walked in to wake Issy up from her short nap. "Do you still want to go?" I tapped her. "Of course I do." She smiled and got stood up but about fell over until I grabbed her. I held on to her the whole way to my car. The boys were outside waiting for what they thought, only me.
"Issy, your going?" Liam asked. "Why wouldnt I?" I smiled at them. "You are the strongest person I know." Louis answered. "Eh, not that strong." I laughed. "Are you kidding!" Louis said and got
into the car they were taking.
"Issy, I love you so much, dont ever do that to me again."
"I love you too." I smiled as we pulled out of the drive way. As we were driving down the road I turned the radio up to as loud as it would go and we both sang along the whole way there.
We pulled into the parking lot and Harry helped me out and into the building.
"I thought we were doing the video too?" "We are after we get done recording the song."
****I sang a little bit with Harry, and sang a few of the girl parts.
Maybe it's the way she walked (wow) straight into my heart and stole it.
Through the doors and past the guards (wow), just like she already owned it.
I said, "Can you give it back to me?" She said, "Never in your wildest dreams."
And we danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line. Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever.
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes oh
Said her name was Georgia Rose (wow), and her daddy was a dentist.
Said I had a dirty mouth (I got a dirty mouth) but she kissed me like she meant it.
I said, "Can I take you home with me?" She said, "Never in your wildest dreams."
And we danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line. Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever.
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes oh
You know, I know, you know I'll remember you,
And I know, you know, I know you'll remember me,
[in background:]
(oh, oh, oh
yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you know, I know, you know I'll remember you,
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember how we danced, how we danced
1, 2, 1, 2, 3
How we danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line. Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever.
(We danced, we danced, it goes something like, yeah)
We danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line. Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever.
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes oh
Best song ever,
it was the best song ever.
It was the best song ever,
it was the best song ever
After we got done, we got in the car and drove to this huge place and it looked like there were offices inside. We walked inside, and their were tons of people leading us all in different directions. I went to make up, and wardrobe with Harry. In the video Zayn and I were going to take turns being the girl. When I wasnt the girl I would be dancing and doing stupid things in the background. Harry was a nerd, named Marcel. "You still look pretty sexy like that." I told him. "ya think?" He laughed and kissed me.
*Starting in 5!* we heard someone say.
We walked out to find the boys. We died laughing when we saw all of them dressed up. "Issy, this is an amazing idea!" Niall said and Liam rolled his eyes but agreed. "Our fans are going to love this." Louis laughed. Lets do this! Harry said.
At the beginning of the video Niall and Louis were sitting at the desk, talking when the boys walked in and sat down. When Nialls parts were up they had to redo them several times from all of the laughing. The video was going to be perfect.
When Harrys part was up at the beginning he couldnt stop laughing either, because he was watching be in the background laughing my ass off. When I laugh, Harry laughs. After a few more trys he got it down without laughing.
"Hi! Uh." "Cute as a button every single one of you, uh."
I have to admit, Harry was a really sexy nerd. The faces he made in the video were incredibly hilarious too. After all of the boys got there part, the music began and thats where I stepped in as being the sexy assistant, Zayn went. Then I went, my part was with Harry. It was honestly the funniest thing ever. It was going to be a hit I could already tell.
After we were all done, we went to get changed and ready for the concert tonight. When we all walked out, all of the boys were still laughing. "That was great!" I laughed. "Kill me now." Harry added but laughed. "Are you guys ready for the concert?" "yea!" We all said in unison and walked out of the building and got into our cars.
"You feeling better?" Harry asked. "Yes, a lot better actually." I smiled. "You dont have to perform if you dont want to if you dont want to tonight." "No, I want to. Ill be fine!"
We pulled into the parking lot of the concert. It was only 6 and people were already lined up. We drove up to a big line in the parking lot and Harry rolled our windows down. "Tell that little girl to come over here." Harry told me and pulled backstage passes out of his pocket. The little girl walked up to the car with her mom and sister, the girls screamed so loud. "Shhh.". Harry smiled. The mother was asking how to get there when Harry interuppted her. "Dont worry about it, just hop in and you can hang out with us and the boys until the concert. Im pretty sure the oldest girl was about to pass out. They got in Harrys car and we drove up behind the stage.I smiled at Harry for what he had done, it was the sweetest thing. We got out of the car and the little girl ran up to hug Harry. "Thank you." She told him. He hugged her. "No problem." We walked up to the boys car, "Now, this is what the other boys drove here. It tells me that the boys are right inside of the door." Harry teased them. The two girls screamed. I walked up to the door and went inside leaving Harry and the girls outside. I walked back out of the door, "The boys are missing, I guess that just leaves us!" I said when the door opened behind me
And Niall peeked his head out. "You can come inside you know" He winked and both of the girls giggled. We all went inside and led them to the dressing rooms, where the rest of the boys were. Niall opened the door and both of the girls screamed as the boys took turns hugging all of them. We were all ready so we just stayed and talked to the girls, asking them questions.
"Whos your favorite?" Niall asked. -Its too hard to pick! The oldest one said. "How about you?" Niall asked the little girl.- Issy! She said.
"Awhhh, good pick!" They all said. "We are going to have to go, but you guys are coming back after the concert to hangout. Sound good?" Harry said as he got someone to take them to there front row seats.
We all walked out to the stage, "You ready?" Harry asked. "Ready!" We started by singing 'Nobody Compares' the regular routine.
" Twitter questions time!!" Niall yelled.
The first one read, "How is Issy so strong?"
"Well, I have been through a lot in my life, and to get through it, I have had Harry and music, when im upset I sing. My motto has always been, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger. Dont ever let anyone bring you down. Life is short, make it a good one. " I smiled as everybody clapped for a long time.
"That was a very emotional speech for all of us guys up here, she is great isnt she?" Niall looked over at me as tears were rolling down his face, along with all of the guys. "Wow, I didnt know they all cared this much. They are still pretty cute when they cry arent they!" I joked. The croud screamed as they all agreed with me.
"Are you ready for the next twitter question!" Niall yelled! "This is a big one!" I looked confused.
"Is Issy a part of One Direction now?" the other twitter question stated.
"This is actually a really big question." Harry said, the crowd screamed. "This is also a big announcement to her." He said, and the crowd screamed once again. "Get your cameras ready." He paused. "SHE IS GOING ON THE WHOLE TOUR WITH US!" I smiled, and ran over to hug all of them. I thought I was only doing this for a few concerts, not all of them!
I was so excited. "Wow, this is so great, thank you guys!" I said and the whole crowd roared.
We sang a few more songs and then announced our new song, and when it was going to find out. "We have a goal, to get a million views in 24 hours, can we do it?" Louis said and the crowd screamed.
"Good bye guys! See you soon! We love you!" the guys screamed and we walked off of the stage. "Lets go get those girls and go celebrate this!" Niall laughed. "Ill go get them!" I walked out to find the girls, i found them. "Hey!, do you want to go hangout with us for the night?" "The girls screamed. "YES!" "Come with me!" I walked them back stage to find the boys. "Lets go!" Harry said and we got into the car and headed home.
Alright, I dont know about anybody else, but I am completely PISSED. Beyond pissed. 'Crazy about one direction' Channel 4 really?!. #Thisisnotus period. Why couldnt they focus on the good fans? The ones who would give anything just to meet them ONCE, like me. Ive been to ONE concert but have never met them, I would love to, but not in some crazy ass ways. *ive met one direction 64 god damn times* really. I would honestly do anything to meet them one time, not 64 times. Give me a break. *My fandom could kill anybody we want.* These girls are the crazy ass fandoms that make us look bad. And larry? I support it. But, I honestly dont think its true. I think a bunch of girls just started that to make harry and louis look bad. They are not gay, louis is happy. And Harry is happy being single. So honestly, this is so fucking stupid and those girls should go to hell. Atleast the boys know not all of us are like that, we love them.
