Love or hate.

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7:13 my clock read as I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone.

"Holy shit!" I said without realizing it was extremely loud. "What the fuck, whats wrong!" Harry said, grabbing me like something was wrong with me."

"I gained over 4, 000 followers in an hour! Thats whats wrong!" I laughed. "Check your profile Issy, you gained a lot more, your phone was going off all night!" "Holy fuck." "Told you, what time is it?"

"like 7:20." "Ugh, Im going back to sleep, wake me up at 8 please?" "Okay."

I walked out to the kitchen to fix breakfast before we had to leave for the next concert. The hotel didnt have shit so I decided I would just make some coffee and eggs for us.

"shit. I forgot." i silently said to myself. I had forgotten to call my mom.

I called her a few minutes before I woke up Harry.

"Hey baby!" "Hey mommy!" I said. "Sorry I wasnt able to call you last night. I was beat, plus I didnt feel good at all." "You did amazing last night hunny, It makes me proud to see my daughter living her dream." She said, I could tell she was crying. "Your brother and sister were so happy to see that their sissy was on tv and famous. They got up this morning and as O was taking them to school they wouldnt stop taking about you." The tears broke lose as she said that. "This is my dream mom, Im living it because of you." "No, your living it because of Harry. This is his idea, not mine. He cares about you, Issy. He loves you." "I know he does, mom. I love him too. But hey, I gotta go get Harry up to get ready for the concert tonight. So ill call you later, love you. Bye." I hung up and went to wake Harry up.

"Wake up lazyyy ass!" I sang. "He sat up and just smiled at me. "Come here." He said. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. He started to kiss my neck as his hands rubbed up and down my thighs. "Are you feeling better?" he asked. "Eh, not really. "His face dropped.

"Issy." "What?" I said. "Are-are you-pregnant?" He gulped. "No" I said.

I couldnt be pregnant, we used protection. We were safe. "I just have a bug." I smiled. "good." He said.

"Your eggs are getting cold." I winked. He picked me up and walked out of the room, carrying me bridal style. He spun me around the kitchen after running through the hotel room with me in his hands. He kissed me and let me down. I giggled.

"hey, while you're eating, Im gonna go hop im the shower real quick!" i said. "Ill be in after im done." he said, before I could walk out of the room I felt something run down my leg. "Fuck Harry!" I yelled. He stood up fast, "Shit, what do I do!" I could tell Harry was about ready to laugh at the situation. I ran to the bathroom and sat down. He followed me and walked into the bathroom seeing me, sitting on the toliet. "Go get me tampons!" I laughed. "Where!" He chuckled. "I dont know! Is perrie with Zayn?" I asked.

"I dont know." "Call and find out!" I smiled.

I could hear Harry talking to Zayn in the other room.

"Is Perrie with you!"he yelled." "Okay! Issy, well needs stuff." He laughed but tried to keep it together. "Please tell her to hurry, she going to tear my head off!" He laughed.

He walked back to the bathroom, his face was beet red and his eyes were puffy. Hes never dealt with this stuff before, well he has a

few times because I mean, were best friends and I tell him everything, but not like this before.

"Its not that funny" I said, with a serious face but finally I smile. "Yes it is!" He chuckled then kissed me.

I heard a knock on the door. "Run! Hurry!" I told Harry. "Okay." he said as he startedg walking in slow motion. "Fuck you!" I said. "Save that for later babe." He winked, as he started running to the door. A few seconds later he comes

I think im in love with my bestfriend, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now