Break from reality.

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I checked my phone and I had 32 missed calls from my mother during the night, "What the hell." I went into the kitchen so I wouldnt wake up Harry, and called her. "what the fuck did you want!" I blirted into the phone really loud and didnt even think about Harry.

"Mark and I are moving to Ohio." She said into my ear. "Your grandma is right down the road if you dont want to take care of those kids." a tear rolled down my face as she continued talking.
"Those kids. Ok, thanks. Have fun with the rest of your life with that skank and dont come running back." I said and hung up the phone.

I cant believe my mom would do that, to me, to her own kids. Its just like 8 years ago, she left my dad for Mark. I have been abandoned and abused my whole life, but I have learned to live with it and it turned me into the person I am today.

"Who was that?" I heard Harrys voice behind me. "My mom." I looked down at the counter and began to cry. "She ran away with Mark and basically said she was perfectly fine with leaving 'the children' as she called them, behind. She said that I could take them to my grandmas or keep them. What the fuck am I suppose to do!" I slammed my fist onto the counter top not meaning to take it out on Harry.
"We will figure something out." He told me and I nodded.

"Why does this happen to me?" I sobbed.
"Why does this happen to those kids who did fucking nothing to deserve this?" I asked, not looking for an answer.

"Well, because god knows you are strong enough to take it." Harry said to me. "Now why dont you come back and lay down, we still arent doing anything all day." He guided me to the bed room, and covered me with the blankets as he climbed in next to me. I laying my head on his chest and finally felt stress free.

Harrys pov:

Seeing Issy lay here, her chest moving up and down, I cant help but not to think how about how beautiful she is and how she makes my life complete. Shes my other half and I dont want to spend my life any other way. I want a future, I want kids, I want a perfect life, with Issy, nobody else.
Why does all of this shit have to happen to her and not me. I cant take it anymore. She needs a break away from the world.

Tessas pov:

I looked up at Harry as he stared at the wall in front of us, with my head in his chest. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh nothing, just thinking about how beautiful you are." I giggled. "Oh yea?"
"What are we doing today?" I asked him. "Well, its just you and me today, the Navy Pier, the beach, the movies, and a whole day of fun." He smiled and kissed my nose.
I giggled and looked up at him, I knew he was up to something, but I needed a day to myself, just me and Harry.

"Its already 11:00, should we get ready?" I asked. "Yeah, im not taking a shower since we will be swimming." "Me either." I shrugged.
I was hesitant on wearing my swimming suit, I had gained a few pounds, but I put it on under my clothes anyway, its just Harry and I doubt that he has noticed my slight weight gain.

I heard the hotel door open, it was Louis. What was he doing here? Harry greeted him with a hug and woke my brother and sister up. "Hey, you guys are going to go hangout with the boys for the day while Issy and I have a day for ourselves, okay?" He told them and they nodded. I smiled that Harry had already got everything planned out so I wouldnt get anymore stessed out, and just that he had thought so hard about how to make this day perfect for me.
Louis took the kids and walked out of the door.

"You ready?" Harry asked me looking up and down my body. "Yup!" I said and walked out of the door.

We sat all of our stuff in the sand and sat down. I stood up to take my shirt off and Harry swept me from my feet. "Harry!" I screamed as he ran into the water and spun me around while are lips were connected.

After we had a blast at the beach, a break from reality, we decided to go walk on the Navy Pier, what Chicago is known for.
"What do you want to do?" Harry asked
"Ride that." I pointed to the farris wheel. "Fuck no." He shook his head. He is deathly afraid of rides, and heights, he always has been since he was a kid. I find it funny though.
"Please babe." I gave him a puppy dog face. "Fine." he turned away from me but still took my hand and walked up to the ride.

"Fuck, fuck get me off of this fucking thing." We got on it and Harry freaked out as it stopped at the very top. I laughed so hard. We got off of the ride and Harry grabbed my waist and brought me in for a kiss. "Should we head home?" He whispered. "No, but we need to." I frowned.

Harrys pov:

I hated ending the night, it was so fun and she was actually happy, I was happy. I just hope from now on life goes a lot better than it has been, she deserves a great life and future, and I can give it to her. The way she smiled tonight, I havent seen Issy smile like that in forever. After this, I neeed to make her smile like this, I need to make her life a lot better than it has been for a long time, This is going to be better than before, Im going to make it be better than before. I have to, I cant see her in pain anymore. It hurts me to see her like this, it hurts everyone. Her eyes dark, her face pale, I have to help her.

Issys pov:

After the break, we are back to reality but this time, I feel different, I actually know what it feels like to be happy again, im going to stay like this, Harry makes me happy, he is all I need.


I start a brand new school tomorrow and Im not looking forward to it. 😭 on the bright side, who watched the premiere? The boys were so happy, which makes me happy❤ they danced, goofed off, ahhh Nialls faces, and when Harry kissed the camera! 💙

Sorry this is short! I am going to try to update every other day, or if I have time everyday. If you like it, would you please start voting, or telling me what you think. It would mean a lot.

I think im in love with my bestfriend, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now