Bad idea.

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My brother and sister were outside and they looked like they had been crying. I hurried up and got out of the van and ran over to them. "Sissy!" The both yelled and tackled me to the ground. "Whats wrong?" I asked my sister. "Mark is being mean." She said. "What is he doing?"I asked. "He hit me." she pulled up to show me the bruise he had left on her stomach. The whole time Harry was standing behind me, but I didnt know it. "I tell you what, you are going to come stay with us for a little bit, Issy, the boys and I will go inside to get your clothes and you guys can sit in the van with Niall." Harry told them as he walked them to the van.

I took a breath as I walked inside first and the boys behind me, of course I got greeted by Mark. "What are you doin here." He said to me. "I came to see mom, where is she." I asked him. He pointed to the living room, she was sitting with a beer in her hand watching tv. Before I got in there I heard Mark talking to the boys. "You cant come in my house." He told Harry. "Excuse me, I dont think this is your house. Let them the fuck in." I told him. "Issy, that is no way to talk to your father." My mom told me. "My father? My father? No, he is not my father nor will he ever be my father. My father is dead thanks to you, and as far as im concered you arent m mother either. You never have been, all you care about is what man fucks you next, not about your kids." I saw a tear fall down her face.

I dont regret a single thing I just said to her because every part of it was true.

"Its your fault your real father is dead, your the one that had to hangout with him that day." Mark told me. Harry stepped in front of me along with the boys. "You do not say that to her, fuck off." Harry told him. "Go get there clothes real quick." Liam stated.

I ran to their room and grabbed a suit case, stuffing it with as many things I could. I threw it out the door onto the porch so I couls pick it up on the way out. I got to the living room to see Mark laying on the floor and Harrys fist bloody.

"Look at her, you can tell she is pregnant. Look how fat she is." My mom said to Mark.

"Look at the cuts on her arms, she is nuts. She should just kill herself already."

"You need to fuck off, as far as I can tell Issy is still the same size as she was, and this girl is beautiful so shut the fuck up." Liam said to them.

"Maybe she is pregnant, if she was atleast I would take care of my child, and take care of her not beat them. She is the strongest person I have ever met because of you fucking people!" Harry breathed.

"Dont waste your time talking to them, all I want to say is thank you. Thank you for making me the strong person I am today. Thank you for leaving these god damn scars all over my arms for the rest of my life. Oh and, The kids are coming with me, you dont deserve them. I can take better care of them than you ever could and they arent going through what I went through. If you have a problem with it, well fuck off."

I told them and walked out of the house to the van with tears rolling down my face.

"Issy, are you okay?" My sister asked me. "Yes, im fine, ive just missed you but I wont anymore because you are staying with us." I told them as Harry was rubbing circles on my back

*flashback over*

"So what happened honey?" My grandma asked me.

"well, A few days ago we decided to go see mom, I knew she was with Mark but I was hoping he wouldnt be there, but he was. When we pulled up the kids were outside crying. Mark had hit them and left bruises on both of them so Harry and I decided to take them home because I didnt want them to go through what I went through when I was a kid. When we got inside they were being assholes and telling me that I was worthless, that I looked pregnant, and that it was my fault my dad is dead. So Harry punched him. Now I have no idea what to do with the kids."

I think im in love with my bestfriend, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now