Chapter Six~When The Working Day is Done, Oh Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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 Chapter Six~

When The Working Day Is Done, Oh Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

 Sitting at my desk, I put my head in my hands.  I had a terrible headache and I was thinking about what Lucas said about me telling him to ‘Let Tristan in’.  I had no idea what he was talking about and it bothered me because obviously I was speaking to him in a black-out.  I must have had some kind of memory while in this black-out but couldn’t conjure anything up now.  Once again, I had let Lucas down.  I hardly ever thought about what he must be going through, seeing a woman who is his wife but doesn’t even know it!  I thought, ‘Maybe I should keep my distance from Lucas so as not to inflict anymore unnecessary pain on him.’

The chalkboard was beckoning me as I got up from my desk.  Pulling the stool over, I stood on it looking at the equations on the board.  Something was missing, but what?  I began adding x plus y and multiplying Time times Space.  No, no!  That was wrong!  Erasing, I started over.  I couldn’t think.

Stepping down from the stool, I walked over to the rug near the couch.  I lay on the rug, ignoring the couch.   I needed a hard surface to think on.  I flung my arm across my forehead to think but fell asleep instead.

Someone was shaking my shoulder.  “Miss, Miss.”  came a male voice.  “Wake up.”  He said, anxiously.  I looked up into almond shaped, dark brown eyes and a very handsome face.  He had a mustache and goatee, longish brown hair and beautiful teeth that showed in his wide smile.  Wow!  Who was the guy?

Sitting up, I asked.  “Who are you and what do you want?”

“I’m the house doctor.  I was told by Mr. Fletcher to see if you were alright after the incident in the lobby and I found you on the floor.  I thought you were passed out.  Did you hit your head when the bomb went off?”

The doctor was running his hands over my head as he spoke.

“No.’ I replied, rather reluctantly.  It was nice having this handsome doctor massaging my head.  “I was trying to brainstorm when I fell asleep.”  Sitting up, the doctor helped me to stand. 

“My name is Paul Adamson, and you must be Aylaina.”  He said in a strong London accent.

“I am.”  I returned.  “You can tell Fletcher I’m just fine.  Just a little dusty and I have a headache from the noise of the blast, but other than that, I’m fine.”   I went back to my desk and sat down.

He walked with me and bent down to look in my eyes.  He took out that annoying light that doctors use to shine in your eyes and gazed at both of mine, one at a time.

“Mr. Fletcher wants you to have a complete physical.  He wants to know what effects may have occurred to your system as a result of your time travel.” 

Dr. Adamson was putting his light away and took out a bottle with some pills in it.  “Take two of these every four hours for your headache and come see me after work.  My office is on the third floor.  Room 305.”

“Thank you Doctor.”  I replied.  We smiled at each other and he left my office. 

Back to work.   Turning over my Mepad, I began to peruse the equations my father had documented.  I gave these to Nicky yesterday so I made up my mind to go to Nicky’s office and see what he had made out of them.

Nicky was at the screens, pouring over some equations when I came in

“How’s it going?”  I sat on the corner of his desk.

“It’s not.”  Nicky replied.  “I can’t make heads nor tails out of these.”  He continued to study the holograms.

“How do you move the equations around with these holograms?”  I asked.  “I think I see something.”

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