Chapter Eight~God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things "I Can" Change

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Chapter Eight~

God Grant Me the Serenity To Accept the Things "I Can" Change...

The morning was cold and damp.  There had been a heavy rainstorm the night before and I had gone out for a walk in the rain.  I loved to walk when it raining and didn’t mind getting soaking wet.   After I got home, I took a long, hot bath and jumped into bed with a good book before falling asleep.  I slept the whole night through.

A recurring thought crossed my mind as I was getting out of bed.  ‘I am going back to the 12th century.’  This was not my home and neither was the 21st century.   ‘Sorry, Lucas’.  I thought to myself.  ‘But I have a son and a father in Scotland and I have friends waiting for me in Nottingham.’

Several weeks had passed since the day Nicky announced he had the formula for creating the tracker.  The tracker was completed and tested to perfection!  Reynolds was given instructions where to meet us.  This was the day we would all meet at the drop site, the place where Captain Reynolds left me when I arrived on this rock.

Packing my backpack with my Mepad and other essentials, I left the keys to the door and money on the coffee table for next months rent.  Then dressed in my leather armor and britches.  Tying my pouch around my waist, I dropped the weapon I bought in the pouch.  I put on on a long London Fog type coat and opened the door to my apartment.  Taking one last look around, I locked the door and closed it.

Down in the lobby a cabby was waiting for me.  I got into the cab and gave him directions.  Soon we were traveling down the main road that led to the drop site. 

“Pull over here, Driver.”  ordering the cabby to stop.  Getting out of the cab, I paid the driver and watched as he made a u-turn and headed back to Londonia.  I walked the last mile to the site.

Looming in the distance was ‘Serenity’ just waiting for all her passengers to arrive.  I was the last one.  Nicky, Pete and Marian, Jason and Lucas were there along with Mal and his crew.  Bruce decided to stay behind as he had a family to consider and no one would suspect him of being involved and if they did, he said he had a good alibi.

Everyone was standing on the cargo bay door as I walked up to Malcolm Reynolds.

SLAM!   My left fist came out of nowhere and connected with Mal’s jaw.  He staggered back and Zoe started to lunge for me but Mal stopped her.

“No, no, Zoe. it’s okay.  I suppose I deserved that.”  Mal said.  “My apologies to you Miss MacLeod.  I treated you right poorly and I’m sorry for it.

“Apology accepted.”  I replied, with a grin.  My hand hurt from the punch but I didn’t let it show.  “Now may I have my weapon back?”

Mal pulled my 9mm out of his pocket and handed it to me, butt first.

“Thank you.”  I said, pleasantly.   I unloaded and reloaded the clip and checked the safety.  Taking the weapon I bought out of my pouch and replacing it with my own, I tossed it to Zoe.

“You can have this, Zoe.”  I said with a smile.  “You’re quite a fighter!  You were right back then.  You almost had me beat!”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Zoe replied.  “Marines.”  she said as we headed into the cargo bay and the door lifted.  “They were American soldiers from Earth that Was.  Like, the best.”

“You got it.”  I returned.  “That training kept me alive in  the 12 century.  Well, that and some good friends.”

Wash came up and kissed his wife.  “I’ve got to go fly this boat.  Welcome aboard, Miss MacLeod.”

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