Lazy Sunday

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A/N: tw for drug use, its recreational and supports it i guess so just a warning if that makes you uncomfortable 

this was super fun to write and i rly love this idea/au/whatever



The sun prickled against Gerard's closed eyelids, turning his vision that sort of red color that always happens when you look at the light. He was dozing on his and Frank's screened in porch, splayed across a pile of squishy pillows like a well-fed cat.

They had several wicker seats on the porch, painted white by Gerard's decision to match the posts holding up the roof and the spotless white floor. He had torn the cushions off the love-seats and chairs, and tossed them onto the floor so he could relax in the sun.

Gerard's husband was inside, doing God knows what, and Gee was waiting patiently for him to join him outside. Frank had told Gerard he just needed to grab something before he joined him, and Gerard listened to the faint shuffling coming from inside the house with a soft smile.

All the windows were open, as well as the door to the screen room, and the cool breeze wound its way through the house. The "porch" was more like another room in the house than what would be considered a typical back porch. It was painted neatly and as spotless as any of the rooms inside, sparsely decorated with furniture and plants, with open walls that had screens attached to them so the natural air and light could get in. It was Gerard's favorite place in the whole house - his safe place to go to where he could write, draw, or just relax. Most of the time he was accompanied by his husband as well.

Their band had broken up just about two or three years ago, and now Frank and Gerard worked happily side by side on their own solo projects. They lived a pretty relaxing life-style, mostly spent side-by-side, wearing soft, old pajamas for days on end, smiling and just enjoying each other's presence, and of course creating art.

In their recent years cascading more and more into domesticity, Frank had started talking about wanting to grow a garden. Gerard encouraged him, growing fond of the idea himself. However when Frank had returned later that day with his little plants and a smug grin on his face, Gerard was finally made aware of what kind of "garden" Frank had actually been planning on. Of course there was still no protest from Gerard, who had tried to hide a smile and grumbled his way to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

It was several months later and Frank's garden was getting on wonderfully. It was the perfect thing to help Frank or Gerard relax when the stress of the music business got too high (no pun intended), or when they just felt like winding down a bit.

On one occasion, in a fit of giggles, they had even given silly names to each plant. There were five, and every single one had been named after a Star Wars character by Gerard. Personally, Frank preferred Princess Leia. It was the tiniest plant but it was strong as hell. Gee liked Luke Skywalker the best. (Hence why it was the one named after his favorite character.)

Now, Frank cradled the fuzzy bud in his hand as he padded down the hall and out to the screen room where Gerard was lounging.

"Feel like giving Skywalker another try?" Frank asked with a smile, his eyes traveling across Gerard's outstretched form.

"Do or do not, there is no try," Gee responded in a monotone voice without even opening his eyes.

Laughter bubbled up out of their throats in the same moment, and Frank fell to his knees on the pile of pillows that Gee had put together.

"Well, do or do not?" Frank asked, still laughing a bit.

Gerard sat up with bright eyes, "Do."

Again, they laughed, as Frank set down the pipe and lighter he was holding in one hand and unfolded the other, careful not to let the bud slip away. He settled in on the cushions next to Gerard and scraped the little screen before loading the pipe. The thing smelled like spice and ass and reeked like hell, filling the room with the stench rapidly already.

Lazy Sunday (Frerard oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now