Chapter 3: First Lunchtime With Jae Ji

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Mrs. Tremaine stood up from her seat and walked towards the chefs while Apryl remained in her seat. "You all have a 15-minute lunch break. I will be in the mansion if you need me." She said. They all nodded, before bowing. Mrs. Tremaine started walking out of the restaurant, but waved a little at Apryl before exiting the restaurant. Apryl waved and smiled back.

"I'm going to walk to one of the nearby shops and just buy a sandwich. Chul Gi, Jae Ji, do you want to come with me?" Nari Hye asked with a friendly smile.

"Oh yes, I would like to get a tasty sandwich. It feels like I'm going to die of hunger." Chul Gi said while walking over to Nari Hye.

"Jae Ji, aren't you coming too?" Nari Hye asks, looking at Jae Ji.

"No thank you. I already brought my own lunch. Go ahead!" Jae Ji said politely. Nari Hye nodded.

As the two chefs start walking out of the restaurant to get sandwiches, Jae Ji walks out the back door.

"Oh? Well, I don't wanna be here alone, so I'll go follow him!" Apryl thinks to herself, before hopping off the chair and walking towards the back door. She quietly opened the door and saw Jae Ji sitting on the bench and about to eat his lunch. It was quite pretty there; it was a garden which had some flowers and a red maple tree near the bench. There wasn't really much in the garden, but it was still really pretty. Apryl closed the door behind her and started walking over to Jae Ji, her heart starting to beat faster. "H-Hi." She stutters shyly. He immediately looks up at her a bit startled while holding his sandwich, "Oh, hi. I didn't know you were there." He said, before looking away and taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I'm sorry if I startled you." She said politely while holding her hands shyly behind her back and looking at him. He continued eating his sandwich and didn't make eye contact.

"Can I sit here?" She asked. He nodded.

She sat down on the bench with him, but not too closely. "So, what was your name again?" Apryl asks in a friendly tone.

"Jae Ji Isak Yeong." He replied.

"Wow, that's quite a fancy name! I like it!" Apryl says while brightly smiling and softly chuckling.

"My name is Apryl Azalea Tremaine! Azalea is just my middle name though, so no one really says it. Just call me Apryl!" Apryl enthusiastically introduces herself. Jae Ji shyly nods while slightly smiling with his lips closed.

"And you, just call me Jae Ji." Apryl smiles.

"Okay!" She grins happily.

Jae Ji finishes eating his sandwich, but suddenly felt uncomfortable when he noticed in the corner of his eye that Apryl was just staring at him. He looks over at her. "You're really shy, aren't you?" She asked. He nods. "..Is that a bad thing?" He asked.

"No, no, no! I think it's really cute--" She said, before quickly placing her hands over her mouth in embarrassment. Jae Ji looked at her with wide eyes. "I mean, uh..! I--" She starts, but then stops talking when she can't come up with anything else to say and just looks at him with widened eyes. He looks at her, before suddenly turning away and bursting out with laughter. "I'm sorry!" He apologized. "I didn't mean to laugh." He added. Apryl starts to blush.

"Well, I better get back in the restaurant now." He says. "Thanks for the good laugh! I haven't laughed in a long time." He says with a friendly smile, before looking away from her and walking into the restaurant. Apryl stood there as the door closed behind him as he walked in the restaurant.
"Ugh!! 'Cute'? Why did I have to say that out loud?? Why did I have to embarrass myself?!" She softly says to herself and sighs. " least I got him to laugh, which I'm happy about."

Later that night before going to sleep, she was thinking about him a little more than before. "Does he like me back?" She wondered to herself. "Hmm, he doesn't really seem to be that interested in me though. I never catch him staring at me or anything like that. What if he never likes me??" All of these thoughts circled around in her mind, before eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Apryl quickly got dressed and ate breakfast as fast as she could, and then walking straight out the front door of the mansion. She walked over to the restaurant with only one thing on her mind; Jae Ji. She was so excited just to see his face. She walked into the restaurant & as usual, she saw the chefs hard at work. "Aw! Jae Ji is so cute over there!" She thought to herself in excitement.
She quickly looked around, but she didn't see her mother anywhere. She walked up to Nari Hye, "Nari, where's my mom? I didn't see her at all this morning."
"Oh, she drove into the city early this morning to take care of some errands." Apryl nodded. "Oh okay."

Apryl just kinda hung around the restaurant for awhile, taking multiple glances over at Jae Ji every now and then. But she noticed that he didn't even look at her once. Of course, she knew that he was very busy cooking, but still. But even if he wasn't much into her, that didn't stop her from having a crush on him.

During lunchtime, Apryl followed Jae Ji out the back door and into the garden again. She sat next to him on the bench and they talk a little while he eats his lunch. Apryl even makes a few little jokes. The last joke especially made Jae Ji laugh. Apryl was laughing along with him too. While starting to stop laughing, he smiles a bright smile, then looks over at Apryl who was looking straight ahead and talking while smiling. His lips slowly sliding into a subtle smile with his lips closed, just staring at her as she looked straight ahead. He snaps out of it and quickly turns his head away from her. "No! I can't like her in that way." He thinks to himself. Turning his head towards her a little, he looks at her again, before suddenly looking away shyly when she turns her head to look at him and makes eye contact with him. She smiles at him.

"What is the meaning of your name?" Apryl asks in a friendly attitude.

"What?...Wh-why do you want to know?" Jae Ji asked shyly and a bit confused.

"I always like to know the meaning of the names of the people I become friends with." Jae Ji looks at her in surprise. She looks at him with a smile, "Yes, we're friends now, right?" She says.

"Oh, yeah, I guess so." He said. Apryl softly giggles.

"Well, we sorta have to be since you work at mine and my parent's restaurant now." She said. "So, the meaning of your name?"

"..Well, 'Jae' means 'respect' in Korean, 'Ji' means 'wisdom', and 'Isak Yeong' means 'grain'."

"Oh wow! So 'Isak Yeong' means 'grain'...that kinda suits you since you're a chef!" Apryl says before chuckling. Jae Ji softly chuckles along with her, "Yeah, you're right, it does!"

"What about your name? What does it mean?" Jae Ji asked with a slight smile.

"My name means "Spring" and my middle name, Azalea, means "Flower" So I guess those put together it means "Spring Flower"!" She chuckles. Jae Ji's lips slid into a sweet smile.
"That's really pretty.." He says softly while looking at her, before turning to look away when she makes eye contact with him.

"Jae Ji?"

"Yes?" He looks up at her.

"Do you..possibly...uh, nevermind."

To Be Continued...

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