Destiny and De'Andre head to Bora Bora for a romantic vacation but everywhere they go there is a mysterious letters for Destiny. At first they're weird but after a few letters she begins to thinks they're cute and special. What will happen between h...
The letter blew in the wind... "Well hey baby, Good morning," I said. He just looks at me with this unexplainable look. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it seconds later as if he couldn't find the words. Finally, he spoke "Mhm Good morning, what was that letter you had in your hand? You've been a little weird lately and I think it's because of whatever's in there. So go ahead tell me and so help me if you lie to me!" That sounds like a threat so I challenged him to it. I gave a devious smirk "Or what? You won't do anything. You're not bold!" I took a short pause. I started began talking slow so her would understand "YOU-DO-NOT-CONTROL-ME-AND-YOU-NEVER-WILL. Got it? Stop treating me like I'm your kid because I refuse to let you keep doing this to me. It's not bringing us closer it's pushing us away. He just stares blankly at me, he slowly opened his mouth, the first words to fall out where I'm sorry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to try and control you. It's just something I'm used to. I know I make a lot of mistakes and I mean A LOT of mistakes but baby I never mean you any harm so please just forgive me. I wanted to take you to the spa today. Let you have a little fun, you know blow some steam off literally haha." He gave me one of those charming smiles that only he can give out into the world. He leads in gives me a hug, kisses me on the forehead, picks me up and throw me in the water. "Omg, you scrub! I hate you! Get in here too. He jumps in the water. CANNONBALL! Leaving the biggest splash. There we go a full on splash fight where everyone can see us. This was the best time I had in a long time. Hours and hours go on and we finally went in to get dressed.
I found the perfect outfit to wear to the spa. A sparkly romper and some black heels.
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I walked out the room to find Chris staring at me as if I was the only girl in the world. I told him to stop and he just wouldn't stop looking at me. "You are so beautiful. How could I be this lucky to have You?" "Oh would you stop it, you're too good to me. If anything I'm the lucky one for the most part. I jokingly said to him. Let's go before we're late.
As we arrived at the Spa the assistant asked for our names. Chris and Destiny, 4:15 appointment for 2." He blankly told her. She asked us to follow her to the back. "All you guys need to do it change into the robe hanging in the room." She told us kindly with a passionate smile. She about her way and I walked into my room. Guess what I found. Another letter. At this point ii suspect them all the time and wherever I go. This time I wanted it to say the place and time for us to meet up tonight. It read:
"You look amazing as always which is nothing new. Meet me at bungalow 26 at 12. Walk out yours, go to the left, make another left at the 3rd row, then go to the 6th one down you. Wear that or something comfy. See you soon."
I hope every letter from now on was an invite to see the Island or each one was a way to get to know him more. Getting these letters were actually pretty exciting to get. I hate to admit it but this is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me in a long time and it felt great. It makes me wonder why Chris doesn't make me feel this way? why doesn't he always give me surprises and cute little things? Why don't we act like we acted when we first met? Those days were the best. Taking me out doing something different every weekend. I remember the days when we went dancing classes. Learned all types of dance styles but I'll just have to ask him once we get home wouldn't want to ruin a perfect spa treatment.
We went to all different kind of sessions. I got a manicure and pedicure. We both sat in a scrub bath which was so relaxing. It was well needed. The way it made my skin feel was amazing, I could sit there forever. There was this lady that gave the best messages. I had the better masseur of the two. Once Chris got done he had a sore back. Even had a mud bath, just the two of us.
Once we finally finished up at the spa and got back to the bungalow I decided Chris and I needed to have a talk. "Baby, can you come here, I need to talk to you?" I took a sit on the outdoor steps with my feet in the water. "Of course, here I come baby." Minutes go on. "Are you okay. Is something wrong? Is there anything I can do to help you?" He seems so worried. Maybe he's just in a bad place or just doesn't know what to do to make me feel special. I thought. "No no nothing's wrong with me technically. I have just been feeling unappreciated like I don't mean as much as I need when we first met." I looked into the blue water and bright stars up above. Once the words left my mouth. I regretted it because I could see the sadness and anger in his face. "What do you mean unappreciated? I treat you so good. What more do you want from me? Isn't it enough I took you on this trip and to the spa?" He asked me angrily. His voice started to get stronger and loud as he spoke with each word. "You know what, No it's not enough. I want more. I want you to treat me how you treated me when we first met. Trying new things every time we hung out. Going on dates every other weekend. Going to friend events. Just spending time together. When do we ever do that anymore? You probably can't even tell me the last time we did something like that before this trip. Can you?" He just sat there Saying nothing, just looking at me like I was crazy or something. "SPEAK or are you speechless? Mhm, that's what I thought. I'll be back later." I grabbed some extra clothes and a bag then walked out the bungalow. It was about 12 anyway.
I walked to the bungalow Quan told me to go to and knocked on the door. "Hey I know I'm early but I had to get out of there, I hope I'm not bothering you by coming early." I feel like I was blabbing but it was the only way I could stop myself from crying but then the tears started falling. "You're not, trust me I'm glad you came early. I was getting kinda getting bored and I had no way to talk to you. Enough about that, are you okay? Why are you crying?" He seemed so concerned and he just seemed like he actually cared which is what I needed. For someone I just met I really had this bond with him and I admit it's amazing having this bond with someone other than my best friend. I began slowly "Well when you gave me that letter in the dressing room at the spa it made me think, why can't my future husband make me feel like that, why do you make me feel this way and not him. There's something wrong with this situation. All these questions were running through my head at that moment in time and once we got home we I asked him why he doesnt do all the things we used to do when we first met. From there we got into a huge fight and it really hurt me. Should I be worried about us? And you what are you doing with your life, why are you giving me these sweet letters. Is there like some interest between me and you?" There I go again but I believe that this all has something to do with him. I waited for a reply for Quan. "Well, maybe there actually that I want it to be something there." We're looking into each other's eyes, completely silent. Everything in the room seems to be gone just the two of us. Every thought that was once in my mine was now gone. No more worries anymore. He slowly leaned into me and planted a warm, soft kiss on my lips. I know this was wrong but I wanted this, I needed this.